Saturday, May 21, 2022

Got the story all wrong?!

       Trauma is a sentence in the story- it is not the true story! We can always make anything in our lives the focal point of our stories! Pursuing wealth, perfect families around, one’s own perfect family, perfect marriage, perfect children, perfect fitness, and all of these have the capacity to move us away, and hijack us from the real story! Suffix to say, that trauma has the capacity to move one away from the real story!

Missing the profound opportunity to glory in the True Author of Life?

Get the narrative theme right in the heart, and nullify the sentence of tragedy, and one need not be hopeless and miserable! The painful reality of the death of Jesus Christ for humanity (recorded in the Gospels), the fallen world (Gen.3), privilege of being a part of God’s story (Psa. 139:16), man created for the glory of Another (Ps.147: 10-11), vanity of life without God (Ecc.1:14), God’s goodness and love (Psa. 136:1), Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus is Saviour (Jn: 3: 16), God works in all things even in tragedy to transform his own into children of glory (Rom. 8: 28-29), and our Savior is committed to the full redemption and healing of his children (Phil. 1:6, Jam. 1: 2-3) should be our focal point.  

The grandeur of the Gospel narrative, and of God’s wonderful, beautiful heart, in restoring all mankind to His bosom of love, and the unspeakable honor to relate to God cannot be hijacked by a mere sentence of horror/trauma in one’s life story. One cannot absolutely constrict their entire life and God- ordained purpose into a sentence , a moment, a season in their life, and miss the real story for their life completely!