Babylon’s useless ‘idols’
Isaiah 46 exposes the folly of those who makes idols and pray to them. This chapter is a call for people to focus their attention in one and true Triune God, through Jesus Christ and His Spirit. False gods will certainly fail their worshippers, and the true God will never fail their worshippers. “Hearken unto Me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the hose of Israel, which are borne by Me from the belly, which are carried from the womb.” Isa 46: 3. Our spiritual life is constantly sustained by His grace as our natural life is constantly sustained by His wonderful providence.
He who made all should be Lord of all, since all things derived from Him and all should be devoted to Him. “Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me;” Isa 46: 9. Bel a deified prince and Nebo a deified prophet were the two celebrated idols of Babylon that were set up on high and worshipped at ancient times; Isa 46:1. The pagan deities delivered their oracles out of dens and caverns, with a low and hollow voice, and in ambiguous expressions. But God delivered His law from the top of Mount Sinai, distinct, audible, and intelligible.
For those who oppose the counsels of God, the righteousness will be accomplished very shortly. The Word of God says that the proud and obstinate Babylonians are far from justice and righteousness and they never let the oppressed go free inspite of the petitions for God’s predictions. Daniel’s friends, humbled Jews have been in the furnace but not melted and God revealed their righteousness for His glory. Isa 46:12 says they are stout hearted and are far from righteousness. God’s counsel always stands because the Word of God says that all the prophecies will be fulfilled. Many Scripture prophecies were delivered long ago and not yet accomplished. Some are accomplished and in the mean time the rest will be fulfilled.
All true Christians who depend upon Christ for strength and righteousness, in Him shall be justified and shall glory in this. Isa 46:13 says, salvation will be brought for God’s people and if men do not bring justice and righteousness to God’s people, God will surely bring and place salvation in Zion. God will make Jerusalem a place of safety and defence for all those who plant themselves there. When God’s people look to Him in faith and pray without ceasing, they will be saved and this will be the comfort and encouragement of God’s faithful worshippers.
Let us focus our attention on things that could replace God in our lives. Thing that replace God in our hearts are the ‘idols of our heart.’ Here I am relating the idols of Babylon to the idols of our heart. Below are the supporting Scriptures for actions of a Godly life. The question here is how much of our heart do we give to the Lord and check for any Bel and Nebo we may worship instead of Jesus Christ. Are we stout hearted and are far from righteousness?
*Idols of our Heart and Action Plan
Thinking Eph: 4
Inner man Matt: 15:19 Scriptures:
Eph: 4:22-24; 2 Pet: 3:18; The decisions you make
Matt: 11:28-29; Prov: 13:15; become the act of worship.
Gal: 6:7-9; Matt: 18: 28-29;
Luk: 9:23; Col: 1:16;
Matt: 6:33; 15:19; 3:17
Rom: 8:28-29; 1 Cori: 10:13;
2 Cori: 5:9; Gen: 2
To please God and to glorify Him.
To break away from ungodly desires.
People should be able to see the difference between Christians and non-Christians because of the way Christians live. Paul says in Eph 4:17-25; that the world is alienated from God because of the blindness of their heart. This passage is a call for Christian purity and holiness in life. In their wilful disobedience they were estranged and alienated from God and their understanding is darkened; Eph 4:18. Paul tells the Ephesians to leave behind the old life of sin now that they are followers of Christ. The Christian life is a process and although we have a new nature, we do not automatically have good thoughts and attitudes when we believe in Christ Jesus. If we keep Christ as our focus and if our desire is to please God in all that we do, the power of Christ will enable to change into His likeness all the time. If we take a time scale in our journey with Christ do we see our attitudes and actions changing? Often change may be slow but surely it will come.
Apostle Paul in Eph: 4: 22 expresses himself in metaphors taken from garments. The principles, habits, and dispositions of the soul must be changed before there can be a saving change of life. There must be sanctification, which consists of: a) the old man must be put off. The corrupt nature is called ‘man’ because, like the human body it consists of various parts, mutually supporting and strengthening one another. When there is sin in the soul it corrupts all parts of the body. When sin is not put to death, it grows steadily and leads to destruction. b) It is important to put on the ‘new man’. It is important to throw off the old pattern, the sinful ways, and embrace the new pattern and write them in our hearts.
Lying to each other disrupts unity by creating conflicts and destroying trust. Truth is a debt we owe one another, and if we truly love one another we will not deceive one another; Eph: 4:25, Rom: 6:6; 8:9; Gal: 5:16-26; Col: 3:3-8. In Eph 4:23, Paul asked the Ephesians to be renewed in the spirit of your mind. The Spirit becomes essential to spiritual life, as air and water are necessary for physical life. This opens pathway for God to express divine character through people and to change lives of people as they exist in the unique environment of God’s presence. The experience of indwelling of the Holy Spirit is prominent in the New Testament; Jn 14:16, 17; Acts 2:4, 38; 11: 15-17; Rom 8:9.
The false security and self-esteem we attach ourselves with apart from God, will certainly fail our true worship to our Triune God because they are tottering things. God is challenging us to frame and form an image that should be thought a resemblance of Him, Isa 46:5.
Our Purpose in Life: Glorify God, please God and serve others. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil;” Ecc 12:13-14.
1. Jay E. Adams The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids, MI:: Zondervan, 1973)
2. Dr. Ed Murphy, ‘The Hand book for Spiritual Warfare’, ‘Revised and Updated Edition’ – (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers: 1992, 1996)
3. Gary L. Almy, M.D., ‘How Christian is Christian Counseling?’ The Dangerous Secular Influences That Keep Us From Caring For Souls, (Illinois: Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, 2000)
4 .Introduction To Biblical Counseling, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”- John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishing Group, 1994)
5. Fearfully and Wonderfully made; ‘A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual Body’, Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey
6. Jay E. Adams, ‘A Theology of Christian Counseling’ “More than Redemption” (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979)
7. Dr. Larry Crabb, Effective Biblical Counseling; ‘A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors’ (Great Britain: Harper Collins Publishers, 1977)
8. Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling; Third edition- John G. Kruis (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1988, 1994, 2000)
9. The Mathew Henry Study Bible, ‘The best of Mathew Henry’s notes in a handy one volume’ Reference Bible, King James Version, (Iowa Falls: World Publishers, 1994, 1997)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Working with Medical Professionals /Vs / Psychologists as a Biblical Counselor
Working with Medical Professionals /Vs / Psychologists as a Biblical Counselor
Working with a Physician: I will follow the following procedure if I suspect medical issues with the counselee and weed out my suspicion before counselling Scriptures.
History ----*** Physical examination ---- Medical Tests ---- Treatment if necessary
*** At this point the decision has to be made whether the patient had to go to a Medical Professional or a Biblical Counselor. I will gladly work with a Physician and explore all the possibilities to help the counselee. We need to know our abilities and limits well enough to know whether we should refer our counselee to a professional. While taking the case History look for the following: Chronic behaviour pattern, strong aggressiveness noted in attitudes, speech, thought, and actions, false guilt building up, lacking the ability to think about the consequences of their actions, threatening suicide, any dependence on drugs or alcohol, the person does not seem to be trying to get better, the counsellor getting the sense that they are manipulated, and the physical symptoms are tense and of long duration; Refer this counselee to a Medical Professional for a full Medical check up. This will not harm the counselee, but helps to weed out problems and sets Biblical counseling at the right road at an earlier stage.
Brandt (1988, p. 189) states that certain dysfunctions of the endocrine system can be chief sources of depression. Specific failures of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), the adrenal glands (affecting sodium and electrolyte balance), and pancreas (hypoglycemia) have all been related to the onset of depression. Lack of nutrition can also be an overlooked cause of depressive symptoms, and laboratory tests can identify any vitamin deficiencies. Emotional distress interferes with the proper absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which in turn can alter the availability of neurotransmitters. A thorough medical examination is recommended before any drug administration and Biblical counselling.
A word of caution to Biblical counsellors: Depression and mood disorders can be divided into: major depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, and also cyclothymic disorder as the primary disorders of mood. Major depression, also called unipolar depression, is identified by sad, empty, or hopeless feelings; slowed physical and cognitive behaviour, including cognitive disorientation; change in weight, appetite and sleeping patterns; diminished interest or pleasure in activities and time spend with friends; and occasional to frequent thoughts of death and suicide. The presence of several of these symptoms for a period of exceeding two or more weeks is a symptom and sufficient criteria for a major depressive episode. Referrals for Medical professional help can be an important part of a Biblical counsellor. If the depression has its roots in helplessness and hopelessness, the Biblical counsellor can surely be a messenger of hope.
With knowledge gained from the world of Science and Medicine, Dr. Paul Brand probes deeply into the world of cells, bones, skin, muscles and nerves to show how the human body so authentically expresses spiritual reality and reveals the perfect aptness of Paul’s metaphor, the body of Christ. “The Body of Christ, like our own bodies, is composed of individual, unlike cells that are knit together to form one Body. He is the whole thing, and the joy of the Body increases as individual cell realize they are not to be isolated outposts.”1 - Fearfully and Wonderfully made; ‘A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual Body’; Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey.
I will work enthusiastically with Christian Physicians and frequently will send the counselees for medical check ups and at the same time working with the psychologist, I have to think on the following.
First, psychology is not a true science and it does not deal with objective, measurable data that can be subjected for reliable tests and confirmed by the scientific method. It is a pseudo-science, and most of its cardinal doctrines are mere speculations, not reliable truth.
Second, unlike medicine and physics, psychology deals with matters that are fundamentally spiritual. The word psychology means “study of the soul”. Scriptures certainly claim absolute sufficiency in addressing these needs; 2 Tim: 3:16-17; Psa: 19:7; 2 Pet: 1:3.
A psychiatrist’s medical training could help determine if some one has a neurological problem or other associated organic problems which may contribute to a person’s problem in living. A psychologist may be able to help by doing an intelligence test for that particular individual. Very often psychiatrists and psychologists adopt the role of a psychotherapist by entering into the domain of the Spirit and the Word and ministry and counsel people in very unbiblical ways. I worked with a psychologist for 8 months after I finished my Master’s of Divinity in Biblical Counseling, so I can confidently mention this.
Psychotherapy is a money making venture and psychologists apart from doing this, influence the Christian church by selling books, conferences, videos, tapes and radio shows. They have gained the right to interpret human beings and their problems, the right to work with people experiencing problems in living and the right to endeavour to solve people’s problems in a Christian circle.
Popular Christian Psychologists are united in teaching that fundamental problems of people stem from low self - esteem, deep yearning for relationship, search for significance, unmet needs, wounds, trauma etc and destroys hope in Jesus Christ. This is in total contrast to what God’s Word teaches us: i.e. the fundamental problems of mankind stems from sin; i.e. the active desires, the thought pattern, and the intentions of the heart. My concern after working with the Psychologist is, that they confess their first love and commitment is for Lord Jesus Christ but deviate markedly from that professed commitment in their theory and practice. Very often I have realised that their verbal commitment to the Word of God coexists with deviant teachings from the enemies of the Word. This is very scary and the enemy has started the work from within and we can relate this with Jesus Christ talking about wolfs in sheep clothing.
If I have a child to assess if he is ready emotionally, physically ready to enter grade one. I will take him to Medical Doctor for Physical questions; To the Principal and other grade one teachers for other questions and talk to other parents who may be a resource. Or I will talk to my mum who had trained and educated many godly children about the problems.
If I need a Career change and I want an objective evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses I will go to a Pastoral Counselor who could think through the motives for considering change as well as help me with other aspects of decision –making process. I will go to a possible career counsellor who could provide interest and aptitude testing and knowledge of the job market.
In a problem of depression, Pastoral counselling and Spiritual help is of ‘real’ help than Psychology. Heb: 9:14; “The blood of Christ….. that cleanses your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” We need not have to add a psychological theory to the unfailing testimony of God’s Word.
I will probably never want to work with a psychologist unless the person bearing the title is committed to Biblical counselling and their professional title is incidental. Scripture and popular psychology differ sharply in the area of insight. Therapists guide people away from any conviction of sin and lead them to blame others for their problems. It is an approach that fails to meet the true human need. These Therapists even move within the church more as people possessing secret knowledge and we have to be aware of this. God gives each person a conscience and therapists view the conscience as producing guilt and shame and so they say, should avoid. Scriptures on the contrary speaks of conscience as a reflection of God’s image in us, and should be used for God’s glory and for our good. God through His ‘common grace’ weaves His ‘oughts’ into each human heart, and even non-believers receive this common grace. His moral standards are woven into the very structures of our society and humans have a conscience to guide them towards decent behaviour and away from being evil. There are many Biblical counsellors who have degrees in psychology, neurology, medicine, nursing, education, and in my case chemistry, and their methods in their specialities they have rejected in favour of Biblical theory and practice.
Psychology can be a “useful adjunct” to Biblical counselling in two ways. 1. “For the purposes of illustrating, filling in generalizations with specifics” 2. “Challenging wrong human interpretations of Scriptures, thereby forcing the student to restudy the Scriptures.”2- Jay E. Adams
Notes and References:
1. Fearfully and Wonderfully made; ‘A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual Body’, Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey.
2. Jay E. Adams, ‘A theology of Christian Counseling; More than Redemption: How sin affects Thinking’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979, p. 34-37)
3. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling” (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1994, p.341; 368-369; 371-372; 374-375; 382-385 ;)
2. Jay E. Adams, ‘A theology of Christian Counseling; More than Redemption: How sin affects Thinking’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979, p. 34-37)
4. Lucibel VanAtta, ‘Women Encouraging Women’ (Portland: Multnomah Press, 1987, p.129-130)
5. Gary L. Almy, M.D., ‘How Christian is Christian counseling?’ The Dangerous Secular Influences That Keep Us From Caring For Souls, (Illinois: Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, 2000, p.43-51)
6. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986, p. 10-15)
7. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999, p. 338-340)
8. Jay E. Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973, P.71-98; 375-388)
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Competent to Counsel, ‘Introduction To Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970, p.78-100; 139)
Working with a Physician: I will follow the following procedure if I suspect medical issues with the counselee and weed out my suspicion before counselling Scriptures.
History ----*** Physical examination ---- Medical Tests ---- Treatment if necessary
*** At this point the decision has to be made whether the patient had to go to a Medical Professional or a Biblical Counselor. I will gladly work with a Physician and explore all the possibilities to help the counselee. We need to know our abilities and limits well enough to know whether we should refer our counselee to a professional. While taking the case History look for the following: Chronic behaviour pattern, strong aggressiveness noted in attitudes, speech, thought, and actions, false guilt building up, lacking the ability to think about the consequences of their actions, threatening suicide, any dependence on drugs or alcohol, the person does not seem to be trying to get better, the counsellor getting the sense that they are manipulated, and the physical symptoms are tense and of long duration; Refer this counselee to a Medical Professional for a full Medical check up. This will not harm the counselee, but helps to weed out problems and sets Biblical counseling at the right road at an earlier stage.
Brandt (1988, p. 189) states that certain dysfunctions of the endocrine system can be chief sources of depression. Specific failures of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), the adrenal glands (affecting sodium and electrolyte balance), and pancreas (hypoglycemia) have all been related to the onset of depression. Lack of nutrition can also be an overlooked cause of depressive symptoms, and laboratory tests can identify any vitamin deficiencies. Emotional distress interferes with the proper absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which in turn can alter the availability of neurotransmitters. A thorough medical examination is recommended before any drug administration and Biblical counselling.
A word of caution to Biblical counsellors: Depression and mood disorders can be divided into: major depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, and also cyclothymic disorder as the primary disorders of mood. Major depression, also called unipolar depression, is identified by sad, empty, or hopeless feelings; slowed physical and cognitive behaviour, including cognitive disorientation; change in weight, appetite and sleeping patterns; diminished interest or pleasure in activities and time spend with friends; and occasional to frequent thoughts of death and suicide. The presence of several of these symptoms for a period of exceeding two or more weeks is a symptom and sufficient criteria for a major depressive episode. Referrals for Medical professional help can be an important part of a Biblical counsellor. If the depression has its roots in helplessness and hopelessness, the Biblical counsellor can surely be a messenger of hope.
With knowledge gained from the world of Science and Medicine, Dr. Paul Brand probes deeply into the world of cells, bones, skin, muscles and nerves to show how the human body so authentically expresses spiritual reality and reveals the perfect aptness of Paul’s metaphor, the body of Christ. “The Body of Christ, like our own bodies, is composed of individual, unlike cells that are knit together to form one Body. He is the whole thing, and the joy of the Body increases as individual cell realize they are not to be isolated outposts.”1 - Fearfully and Wonderfully made; ‘A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual Body’; Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey.
I will work enthusiastically with Christian Physicians and frequently will send the counselees for medical check ups and at the same time working with the psychologist, I have to think on the following.
First, psychology is not a true science and it does not deal with objective, measurable data that can be subjected for reliable tests and confirmed by the scientific method. It is a pseudo-science, and most of its cardinal doctrines are mere speculations, not reliable truth.
Second, unlike medicine and physics, psychology deals with matters that are fundamentally spiritual. The word psychology means “study of the soul”. Scriptures certainly claim absolute sufficiency in addressing these needs; 2 Tim: 3:16-17; Psa: 19:7; 2 Pet: 1:3.
A psychiatrist’s medical training could help determine if some one has a neurological problem or other associated organic problems which may contribute to a person’s problem in living. A psychologist may be able to help by doing an intelligence test for that particular individual. Very often psychiatrists and psychologists adopt the role of a psychotherapist by entering into the domain of the Spirit and the Word and ministry and counsel people in very unbiblical ways. I worked with a psychologist for 8 months after I finished my Master’s of Divinity in Biblical Counseling, so I can confidently mention this.
Psychotherapy is a money making venture and psychologists apart from doing this, influence the Christian church by selling books, conferences, videos, tapes and radio shows. They have gained the right to interpret human beings and their problems, the right to work with people experiencing problems in living and the right to endeavour to solve people’s problems in a Christian circle.
Popular Christian Psychologists are united in teaching that fundamental problems of people stem from low self - esteem, deep yearning for relationship, search for significance, unmet needs, wounds, trauma etc and destroys hope in Jesus Christ. This is in total contrast to what God’s Word teaches us: i.e. the fundamental problems of mankind stems from sin; i.e. the active desires, the thought pattern, and the intentions of the heart. My concern after working with the Psychologist is, that they confess their first love and commitment is for Lord Jesus Christ but deviate markedly from that professed commitment in their theory and practice. Very often I have realised that their verbal commitment to the Word of God coexists with deviant teachings from the enemies of the Word. This is very scary and the enemy has started the work from within and we can relate this with Jesus Christ talking about wolfs in sheep clothing.
If I have a child to assess if he is ready emotionally, physically ready to enter grade one. I will take him to Medical Doctor for Physical questions; To the Principal and other grade one teachers for other questions and talk to other parents who may be a resource. Or I will talk to my mum who had trained and educated many godly children about the problems.
If I need a Career change and I want an objective evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses I will go to a Pastoral Counselor who could think through the motives for considering change as well as help me with other aspects of decision –making process. I will go to a possible career counsellor who could provide interest and aptitude testing and knowledge of the job market.
In a problem of depression, Pastoral counselling and Spiritual help is of ‘real’ help than Psychology. Heb: 9:14; “The blood of Christ….. that cleanses your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” We need not have to add a psychological theory to the unfailing testimony of God’s Word.
I will probably never want to work with a psychologist unless the person bearing the title is committed to Biblical counselling and their professional title is incidental. Scripture and popular psychology differ sharply in the area of insight. Therapists guide people away from any conviction of sin and lead them to blame others for their problems. It is an approach that fails to meet the true human need. These Therapists even move within the church more as people possessing secret knowledge and we have to be aware of this. God gives each person a conscience and therapists view the conscience as producing guilt and shame and so they say, should avoid. Scriptures on the contrary speaks of conscience as a reflection of God’s image in us, and should be used for God’s glory and for our good. God through His ‘common grace’ weaves His ‘oughts’ into each human heart, and even non-believers receive this common grace. His moral standards are woven into the very structures of our society and humans have a conscience to guide them towards decent behaviour and away from being evil. There are many Biblical counsellors who have degrees in psychology, neurology, medicine, nursing, education, and in my case chemistry, and their methods in their specialities they have rejected in favour of Biblical theory and practice.
Psychology can be a “useful adjunct” to Biblical counselling in two ways. 1. “For the purposes of illustrating, filling in generalizations with specifics” 2. “Challenging wrong human interpretations of Scriptures, thereby forcing the student to restudy the Scriptures.”2- Jay E. Adams
Notes and References:
1. Fearfully and Wonderfully made; ‘A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual Body’, Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey.
2. Jay E. Adams, ‘A theology of Christian Counseling; More than Redemption: How sin affects Thinking’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979, p. 34-37)
3. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling” (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1994, p.341; 368-369; 371-372; 374-375; 382-385 ;)
2. Jay E. Adams, ‘A theology of Christian Counseling; More than Redemption: How sin affects Thinking’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979, p. 34-37)
4. Lucibel VanAtta, ‘Women Encouraging Women’ (Portland: Multnomah Press, 1987, p.129-130)
5. Gary L. Almy, M.D., ‘How Christian is Christian counseling?’ The Dangerous Secular Influences That Keep Us From Caring For Souls, (Illinois: Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, 2000, p.43-51)
6. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986, p. 10-15)
7. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999, p. 338-340)
8. Jay E. Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973, P.71-98; 375-388)
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Competent to Counsel, ‘Introduction To Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970, p.78-100; 139)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Refiner's Fire
Refiner’s Fire
Mal 3:2
“But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he [is] like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap”: KJV
Mal 3:3
“And he shall sit [as] a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness”. KJV
‘Who shall stand’? During the life history of Jesus Christ we see there were some emanations of His glory and power, and no one could stand before Him; a good example is the witness of His transfiguration; Mat 17: 1-13.
‘Purge them’ God will sanctify us inwardly. That is they may be sincere in their conversion to God and are consecrated. A good tree beareth good fruit and God wants us to be like good trees bearing good fruits for His glory and honour.
Are you in the refiner's fire today? If you are don't rebel or try to run away, just sit still and let the refiner do His work. The Bible says: 'He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify [them], refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.' A woman who read this verse at a Bible study wanted to know how it related to her walk with God, so she made an appointment with the silversmith. Without mentioning anything other than a general interest in the process, she sat and observed him work. She watched as he held the silver over the fire, explaining that in order to burn away every impurity he had to keep it in the middle where it was hottest. She asked him if he usually sat in front of the fire the entire time. 'Yes,' he replied, 'not only do I have to hold it, I must watch it. If I leave it there too long it will be destroyed.' After thinking about that for awhile she asked, 'How do you know when the process is complete?' Smiling, he replied, 'That's easy; I see my face reflected in it.'
If you're in the refiner's fire today, remember: a) He knows what He's doing, so trust Him b) He won't allow you to be destroyed by the circumstances, or take His eye off you c) when the process is complete, you'll be more like Jesus and less like your old self. Isn't that what you want? Isn't that what you've prayed for!
Mal 3:2
“But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he [is] like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap”: KJV
Mal 3:3
“And he shall sit [as] a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness”. KJV
‘Who shall stand’? During the life history of Jesus Christ we see there were some emanations of His glory and power, and no one could stand before Him; a good example is the witness of His transfiguration; Mat 17: 1-13.
‘Purge them’ God will sanctify us inwardly. That is they may be sincere in their conversion to God and are consecrated. A good tree beareth good fruit and God wants us to be like good trees bearing good fruits for His glory and honour.
Are you in the refiner's fire today? If you are don't rebel or try to run away, just sit still and let the refiner do His work. The Bible says: 'He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify [them], refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.' A woman who read this verse at a Bible study wanted to know how it related to her walk with God, so she made an appointment with the silversmith. Without mentioning anything other than a general interest in the process, she sat and observed him work. She watched as he held the silver over the fire, explaining that in order to burn away every impurity he had to keep it in the middle where it was hottest. She asked him if he usually sat in front of the fire the entire time. 'Yes,' he replied, 'not only do I have to hold it, I must watch it. If I leave it there too long it will be destroyed.' After thinking about that for awhile she asked, 'How do you know when the process is complete?' Smiling, he replied, 'That's easy; I see my face reflected in it.'
If you're in the refiner's fire today, remember: a) He knows what He's doing, so trust Him b) He won't allow you to be destroyed by the circumstances, or take His eye off you c) when the process is complete, you'll be more like Jesus and less like your old self. Isn't that what you want? Isn't that what you've prayed for!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Personal inside of a believer vs. non-believer
Personal inside of a believer vs. non-believer
anxiety) spring from deficit motivation caused by wrong thinking. Anxiety,
believers getting along should have genuine love for each other.
The Psycho-anatomy of an un-believer

still evaluate the world from a false perspective. He will still behave
and behaves like a un-believer and it is a tragedy.
The Psycho-anatomy of a believer.

News Publishers, 2000, p.43-51)
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970, p.78-100; 139)
Let us look at the ‘personal inside’ of a un-believer. He is very
much out for himself, and he evaluates his life in terms of the world’s
value system. He behaves in a way to meet his own needs only, and
does not care about others. Basically he has believed the devil’s lie
about how to be a person. He is truly a child of the devil and thinks and
valuates an event based on the world, Satan, and programmes
How one thinks not only determines the range of behaviour form
which we may choose, but it also greatly influences how we feel. When
we analyse the psycho-anatomy of the un-believer above we come to
the following conclusions.
1. Thinking based on wrong world’s value system leads to negative
emotions, which will block compassion.
2. Emotions (depression, crippling guilt, resentment, frustration, or
anxiety) spring from deficit motivation caused by wrong thinking. Anxiety,
resentment, and guilt are the basic problem condition behind all other
personal difficulties.
Let us look briefly at anxiety, resentment, and guilt which are emotions which can rise within a person. If not dealt Biblically these emotions can be crippling and destructive. These emotions can rise within us because of:
Anxiety: is the fear that something we need will not be provided.
Resentment: comes from believing our needs are threatened by
something which God has allowed to happen to us.
Guilt: comes from believing what God provided is not enough and
then going outside of God’s will to secure what He has not provided.
If we believe all that we need is God, and what He chooses us to
provide, we will not experience any of these emotions. If our thinking is
based on Scriptures, we will begin to evaluate events Biblically. We
may feel painful emotions, but a deep care, reality and compassion will
eventually follow.
Only Christians whose needs are met in Christ is capable of
sustained compassion, no matter what the circumstances are.
Distinguishing mark of a Christian should be love, and a community of
believers getting along should have genuine love for each other.
The Psycho-anatomy of an un-believer

1. Notice that the wrong belief he has learned still enter his conscious
mind, but he deliberately values the world from a Biblical frame work.
2. Notice, the arrows between behaviour and compassion points both
ways: the more compassion I feel, the more compassionately I behave.
3. Christians’ perspective is to live for Christ. He behaves as God tells
him to, and evaluates his life from God’s perspective. This person has
a deep sense of his personal worth, and knows experientially the fruit
of the Spirit.
Carnal man:
A Christian living as a carnal man is still living for himself, and will
still evaluate the world from a false perspective. He will still behave
selfishly, disobediently, and without compassion. He thinks, acts, feels
and behaves like a un-believer and it is a tragedy.
The Psycho-anatomy of a believer.

Holy Spirit provides the resources for transformation through the
normal mechanisms of the human personality we were built in. The
Spirit brings to our mind the necessary Scriptures suited for different
circumstances. The individual begins to recognize that no event can
rob him from God’s hand, and his personal worth is complete, significant,
and secured in Christ regardless of circumstances. The individual begins
to evaluate life events Biblically, and the Spirit of God helps the individual
to deepen his appreciation of God’s truth.
His Christian belief begins to seep down his basic assumption system, and slowly replaces ‘wrong beliefs’ he had from early child hood. He is on the process of sanctification, and he becomes mature, his inner man is changing. This individual regards himself as non-threatened and begins to express his worth in worship and service. This transformation depends upon the renewing of the mind with God’s pure inerrant Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Book References:
1. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become
Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith: Marshall Pickering, 1985, p. 100-104).
2. John G. Kruis, Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling, ‘Progressive Sanctification’
(Grand rapids: Baker Books, 1988, 1994, 2000 p. 140-145).
3. Fearfully and Wonderfully made; ‘A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual Body’,
Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey.
4. Jay E. Adams, ‘A theology of Christian Counseling; More than Redemption: How sin
affects Thinking’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979, p. 34-37)
5. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction
To Biblical Counseling, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”
(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1994, p.341; 368-369; 371-372; 374-375; 382-
385 ;)
6. Jay E. Adams, ‘A theology of Christian Counseling; More than Redemption: How sin
affects Thinking’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979, p. 34-37)
7. Lucibel VanAtta, ‘Women Encouraging Women’ (Portland: Multnomah Press, 1987,
8. Gary L. Almy, M.D., ‘How Christian is Christian counseling?’ The Dangerous Secular
Influences That Keep Us From Caring For Souls, (Illinois: Crossway Books, Good
News Publishers, 2000, p.43-51)
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand
rapids: Zondervan, 1986, p. 10-15)
10. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’
Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999, p. 338-340)
11. Jay E. Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic
Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973, P.71-98; 375-388)
12. Jay E. Adams, ‘Competent to Counsel, ‘Introduction To Nouthetic Counseling’
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970, p.78-100; 139)
The Psycho-anatomy of a non-believer vs. believer.
Believer vs. Non-believer: The Psycho-anatomy of a non-believer vs. believer.
Psycho-anatomy of an Un-believer:
Let us look at the ‘personal inside’ of a un-believer. He is very much out for himself, and he evaluates his life in terms of the world’s value system. He behaves in a way to meet his own needs only and does not care about others. Basically he has believed the devil’s lie about how to be a person. He is truly a child of the devil and thinks and valuates an event based on the world, Satan, and the programmes of the world unbiblically.
How one thinks not only determines the range of behavior form which we may choose, but it also greatly influences how we feel.
When we analyze the psycho-anatomy of the un-believer below we come to the following conclusions.
1. Thinking based on wrong world’s value system leads to negative emotions, which will block compassion.
2. Emotions (depression, crippling guilt, resentment, frustration, or anxiety) spring from deficit motivation caused by wrong thinking. Anxiety, resentment, and guilt are the basic problem condition behind all other personal difficulties.
Anxiety: is the fear that something we need will not be provided.
Resentment: comes from believing our needs are threatened by something which God has allowed to happen to us.
Guilt: comes from believing what God provided is not enough and then going outside of God’s will to secure what He has not provided.
If we believe all that we need is God, and what He chooses us to provide, we will not experience any of these emotions.
If our thinking is based on Scriptures, we will begin to evaluate events Biblically. We may feel painful emotions, but a deep care, reality and compassion will eventually follow.
Only Christians whose needs are met in Christ is capable of sustained compassion, no matter what the circumstances are. Distinguishing mark of a Christian should be love, and a community of believers getting along should have genuine love for each other.
Look at the psycho-anatomy of a believer:
1. Notice that the wrong belief he has learned still enter his conscious mind, but he deliberately values the world from a Biblical framework.
2. Notice, the arrows between behavior and compassion pints both ways: the more compassion I feel, the more compassionately I behave.
3. Christians’ perspective is to live for Christ. He behaves as God tells him to and evaluates his life from God’s perspective. This person has a deep sense of his personal worth and knows experientially the fruit of the Spirit.
Carnal man:
A Christian living as a carnal man is still living for himself and will still evaluate the world from a false perspective. He will still behave selfishly, disobediently, and without compassion. He thinks, acts, feels, and behaves like a un-believer and it is a tragedy.
Scriptural references for Progressive sanctification:
Keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ; 2 Pet 3:18.
Do not be content to be an immature Christian, as was the case with many Hebrew believers Heb 5:11-6:4; Heb 5:12-14.
God works in us through His Word to bring us to spiritual maturity, to sanctify us Jn 17:17; Col 3:16; 1 Pet 2:2-3; Psa 119:11; 105.
The Bible, the inspired Word of God is that by which He trains us in righteousness so that we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work 2 Tim 3:16-17.
The Counselor Holy Spirit, teaches us through His own Word Jn 14: 25-26.
The Word of God is immeasurably effective, Heb 4:12.
Like a runner in a race, keep pressing on until you have gained the victory, as did the apostle Paul Phil 3:12-14.
Get rid of everything that might hinder you and run the race with perseverance Heb 12:1.
Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith. Focus on all that He did to save you, Heb 12:12.
Train yourself to be godly. Be like an athlete, who persists in training, and that is what Paul counselled Timothy to do, 1 Tim 4: 7-8.
Abide in Jesus Christ, the vine through whom alone you can bear much fruit, to glorify God, Jn 15: 1-8.
Imitate Jesus so that you will become more Christ-like; 1 Jn 2:6.
Christ like virtues we may seek after, 2 Pet 1:5-9.
We must be motivated to work at growing in faith and godliness by the victory we have through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Cor 15: 57-58; 2 Cor 7:1; Rom 12:1-2.
God uses His Word to revive the soul, make wise the simple, give joy to the heart, give light to the eyes, and much more, Psa 19:7-11.
The Lord requires us to keep working out our salvation in every area of life, since He works in us by His Word and Spirit, Phil 2:12-13.
God is graciously transforming every Christian more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor 3:18.
Spirit of God: (Holy Spirit plays a huge role in the sanctification process of a believer).
Holy Spirit provides the resources for transformation through the normal mechanisms of the human personality we were built in. The Spirit brings to our mind the necessary Scriptures suited for different circumstances. The individual begins to recognize that no event can rob him from God’s hand, and his personal worth is complete, significant, and secured in Christ regardless of circumstances. The individual begins to evaluate life events Biblically, and the Spirit of God helps the individual to deepen his appreciation of God’s truth. His Christian belief begins to seep down his basic assumption system, and slowly replaces ‘wrong beliefs’ he had from early childhood. He is on the process of sanctification, and he becomes mature, his inner man is changing. This individual regard himself as non-threatened and begins to express his worth in worship and service. This transformation depends upon the renewing of the mind with God’s pure inerrant Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Food for thought:
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength - Isaiah 30:15. Are you limiting God by the way you think? Imagine a circumstance that you consider bad. Use whatever descriptive words you want to use - difficult, hard, agonizing, frustrating, strenuous, debilitating, horrific, sorrowful, confusing, perturbing, penetrating or painful. Is there a problem too awful or too hard for God to handle? If your answer to this question is anything other than "no"" your understanding of God is too small. Our God is a great and limitless God. He dwells in eternity and operates in infinity. He has all things within His understanding and all things under His control.
Father today I pray and ask that you will work inside of me and make me the person you want me to be. Father I am allowing God's Spirit to examine my heart in order to find any areas that could potentially discredit me, weaken me, or take towards the path of evil. Help me by the indwelling power of the Spirit of Jesus in me to distinguish between what is right from wrong; and help me to discern things of the world and the enemy strategies from the truth and what You have given to us in Your Word. Help me realize that this is God given time to strengthen my foundation as a believer in Christ.
1. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith: Marshall Pickering, 1985, p. 100-104).
2. John G. Kruis, Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling, ‘Progressive Sanctification’ ( Grand rapids: Baker Books, 1988, 1994, 2000 p. 140-145)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Church in the House
A Church in the House
Restoring daily worship to the Christian Household
-Matthew Henry; edited by Scott Brown
Matthew Henry (1662-1714); English non-conformist Pastor and Bible commentator; an emblem of faithful father hood.
“A Church in the House, a Sermon concerning Family- Religion”
Sermon begins with 1 Cori: 16:19-“The Churches in A’sia salute you. A-qui’la and Pris-cil’la salute you much in the Lord, with the Church that is in their house.” and illuminates the importance of Spiritual life at home.
He shows fathers, in very specific ways how to make their houses, little churches.
Importance of Henry’s sermon for our time
Henry’s household like ‘gates of heaven’ where parents governed all family life by the Word of God.
Ref: Page14
A Church in the House kind of message promises to expand our vision beyond our thinking of our own era and fortify us with timeless principles that the Great Designer has established.
The contents and potency of a man’s vision of home life == =>crack house or godless house or lukewarm house or a household of God.
Holy Scriptures and Ref: for connections between Christian homes & Church
- Beauty of a Christian home: loving direction of the head of the household (father)
- Fathers: functions as: prophets, priests and kings
- Home : is a type of church
- Christ is the head of the church; & husband head of wife: Eph: 5
- Children are trained; & church they are equipped: Eph:4 &6
- Church is charged to deliver the whole counsel of God: Acts 20
- Home life meant to be saturated with God’s Word: Deut:6
Ref: page 17
*Good Mentor for Matthew Henry: Philip Henry his father; Matthew used his father’s hand written notes of expositions to teach his own children at home. Made O.T & N.T Bible Commentaries.
(George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon used his commentaries.)
Practical helps for Spiritual disciplines at home
The simplicity of his methods are worth to consider.
“His piety at home, embraced the whole compass of relative religion; he was an example to be believers’ not only as a husband, a father, and master; but also as a son, a son-in law, a brother, and a friend.”
Ref: pages: 19-20
- Beautiful Home life: he drew from the great well of Holy Scriptures
- God-centered home life: took every opportunity to breathe the joy of the Lord into it.
Baptismal Covenant signed at 1686 by him and his daughters
“I take God the Father to be my chiefest good and Highest end. I take God the Son to be my Prince and Savior. I take God the Holy Ghost to be my sanctifier; teacher, guide, and comforter. I take the Word of God to be my rule in all my actions. And the people of God to be my people in all conditions. And this I do deliberately, sincerely, and freely for ever.”
Creating this kind of home life is one of the greatest difficulties for heads of households today, particularly as everything in modern life seems to work against it. I hope this sermon will help the fathers in their journey to be like the Heavenly Father.
Written by Scott T. Brown
Chapter 1
Here the Reformation must Begin
-With the Church that is in their House: 1 Cor. 16:19
-Nymphas had a Church in his house: Rom: 16:5
- Brethren in La-od-i-ce’a and Nymphas; Church in their house: Col: 4:15
-Apph’i-a and Archip’pus; fellow soldier; Church in their house: Philemon: v2
Questions to our Hearts.
1. Is Spiritual life flourishing or withering in our house?
“Is it upon the throne or underfoot in your home?”
Ref: page24
2. Here the Transformation must Begin
“Salt must be cast into the springs, and then the waters would be healed.”
*Rev: 3:3 “Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.”
Recommended Lesson
That the families of Christians should be little churches.
That wherever we have a house, God should have a church in it.
3. Families are little Churches
“Families were the primitive churches of the Old Testament, before men began to call upon the name of the Lord..” Public religious assemblies, which always ought to have the preference.”
“The Lord loves the Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.”-Paslm87:2
4. A Church in the house does not usurp the office of the church
“We must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, under excuse of exhorting one another daily at home.”
Ref: page27
Chapter 2
What does it mean to have a church in the house?
- Sacred Societies: families
1. Devoted to God
2. Employed for Him
• Churches are societies devoted to God
- Called out of the world- God has set them apart for Himself.
Ref: Ex: 19:6: 1Pet:2:9
Houses Consecrated to God
- Houses must be churches
- All our interests: relations; possessions
{All that the servant had was his master’s for ever}
Ref: Gen: 12:5; God called Abram out of Ur of Chaldees. Put themselves and their all under a Divine conduct and government.
Even little families can be churches.
“The master of the family gives up all his right, title, and interest, in his house, and all that belongs to it, unto God…to be used by Him, and disposed by Him”
Here is a church in the House
- Baptism was ordained for the discipling of the nations: Matt: 28:19; Rev: 11:15
- Baptism households are discipled: Lydia’s and Jailor’s: Acts:16:15,33; & the Word was for all the families of Israel: Jer: 30:1
- Baptized families, that own their Baptism and adhere to it, and in their joint and relative capacity make profession of the Christian faith, may so far be called little churches.
Dedicating your Household to God
-Dedication of private houses; common practice: Deut: 20:5
-A Psalm or Song at the dedication of the house of David: Psalm 30
- Dedicating to the service and honor of God: so it would be a Bethel, a house of God; & not a Bethaven, a house of vanity and iniquity.
- Householder dedicates his house habitually and virtually: Gen: 28:22
- Gospel obedience and easy services; I own Him to be my land Lord, and I hold all from and under Him.
- Let Holiness to the Lord be written upon the house, according to the Word which God has spoken: Zech: 14: 20, 21
- Let me and mine be only, wholly, and for ever His.
The Dedication of your Homes
- Ref: page 33
- Ref: Psalm: 24:9; “Lift up your heads, O, ye gates…..King of Glory shall come in.”
- Bring the ark of the Lord into the tent you have pitched.
“Look upon your houses as temples for God, places for worship, and all your possessions as dedicated things, to be used for God’s honor, and not to be alienated or profaned.”
*Churches are societies employed for God
3 Things are necessary for maintaining a Church in the House
a. Keep up Family Doctrine.
-Not only Baptism, must dwell with your families as men of knowledge 1 Pet: 3:7; communicate your knowledge for the benefit of others.
- Read Scriptures and check if the family members understand!
- Each family member has a Bible; Book of the law is not a rarity as in the days of King Josiah.
“It is better to be without bread in your houses than without Bibles.”
-USE the Bibles at your Houses; Make a solemn reading of the Scripture a part of your daily worship in your families. Much to the honor of God and to your family’s edification.
“If you persist in the neglect of it, you may thank yourselves. The guilt will lie wholly at your own doors.” [Add the story of Muslim countries]
• This will equip you in the Word for every good work.
Matthew Henry recommends Psalms for devotion and Solomon’s Proverbs in our manner of life.
Reading the whole Bible
“When you only hear your children reading the Bible, they are tempted to look upon it as no more but a school book. But, when they hear you read it to them in a solemn, religious manner, it comes as it ought, with more authority.”- Matthew Henry
Reading other books
- Seasonable reading of other good books to profit.
You must catechize your children
- God directs us to:
- Deut: 6:7; “And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.”
- Keep up stated time for this service; because the enemy is working hard against it.
- Wisdom you need : not make it a burden, but a pleasure
- House: place where the trees of righteousness are reared and afterwards planted in the Courts of the Lord.
- Public catechizing will turn to little account without family catechizing.
[Labor of ministers for youth is difficult because masters of the families do not do their duty]
- Mothers are children’s best nurses; so also parents the best teachers.
[Solomon’s father was his tutor: Prov: 4:3-4; Solomon did not forget the lessons his mother has taught himProv; 31:1]
-Baptism: obligation upon them to live in the fear of the Lord;
For Parents: to bring them up in the fear of the Lord; follow the example of faithful Abraham: Gen: 18:19
Ref: page40
- The inheritance of the covenant of grace is forfeited if care is not taken with it to transmit the means of grace.
- Word of caution: God owns them, Ezek: 16:20
- Ref: page41
-Very young children are capable of honoring God
- Consider their purpose on earth: They should be praising God in this earth while we are praising Him in Heaven.
- Consider their purpose in Heaven:
Ref: page43-Read
- Make a consistent pattern: “Will it not be very sad, if through your carelessness and neglect your children should learn the ways of sin, and perish eventually in those ways.”- Matthew Henry
b. Keep up family worship
- Some ways tread in the steps of our faithful fathers like Abraham.
Ref: Gen: 21:33
- Wherever he pitched a tent, he built an altar for the Lord God: Gen:12:7; &13:4,18
Family- Prayer days
1. You ought to make family-acknowledgements of your dependence upon God and His providence, as you are a family.
- Give unto the Lord the glory and honor due unto Him; His government, His provision, and He is the owner of your family.
-Adore Him; covenant relationship with Him: Jer: 31:1; “ …you will be my people.”
-In Him all the families of the earth are blessed; Gen:12:3; by His hand and by His blood.
- Never set up a title to any of your enjoyments in competition with His.
2. You ought to make family- confessions of your sins against God.
-Confession of the sins of your house, as of Eli’s: 1Sam:13:14& the curse that follows” Zech: 5:4
-Read: page46
-The best families are those in which piety and love prevails most, yet in many things come short, and do enough every day to bring it to God at night.
3. You ought to offer up family thanksgivings for the blessings which you, with your families, receive from God.
- For the hedge of protection around you and your household: Job: 1:10
- Defense upon every dwelling place of Mt. Zion: Isa: 4:5
[Safe from employments, heath, provision, fruit of your hands, peace, comfort, good relationship with family members and no disaster- end of the day-give thanks] Psalm: 118:15
- God has known you above all the families of the earth: May His mercy endures for ever.
4. You ought to present your family petitions for the mercy and grace which your families stand in need of.
- There are family cares, comforts, & crosses- stand before the mercy seat.
[Benefit: you are modeling to your children and their belief grows]
-* You travail in birth again till you see Christ formed in them and you pray for them—I personally like this.
- Warning to parents: Do not give to your children what is just and equal if they do not pray with you; they are given in your hands for God’s sovereign purposes. Col: 4:1-2
a. Prayer for family temptations: Worldliness, neglect of religious duties, family discord, mutual jealousies, distrust, discontent and so on…
b. Seeking family-blessings:
- God has promised, seek in prayer: 2 Tim: 1:16; Psalm: 133:1-3; 2Sam:6:20
5. You ought to make family-intercessions for others also.
- Neighborhood, friendships, and acquaintances you became interested in.
- Families in distant places; Missionaries
- Public peace: for our native land & its prosperity; supplication for our leaders: 1 Tim: 2:2, 8
- Churches abroad, around persecuted church and for the families.
- Rule: Whatever is the matter of care let it be a matter of our prayer.
Singing together as a family
-In daily worship and on Sabbath worship- use Psalms
C. Family Discipline
- Head of the household rules the house with the fear of the Lord; Josh: 24:15*
- Only those who have clean hands and pure hearts are accounted as the generations who seek God: Psalm: 24:4, 6
-Those who pretend to seek God, actually mocks Him; Isa: 58:2
- The authority God has given you over your children use it for God’s honor and for His work.
- Bless your household: Psalm: 101; carefully watch over those who are under your charge and remember you have to give an account one day.
Encourage every thing that is good and praise-worthy in your children and servants
1. “When you see any thing that is hopeful and promising in your family ……you should therefore do your best to encourage it.” – Now I praise You: 1 Cori: 11:2
- Always hold them in the bond of love; the great Shepherd gathers the lambs in His arms!!
2. Discourage everything that is evil in your children and servants
- Use your authority for the preventing of sin, and suppressing every root of bitterness. Pride and passion, strife and contention, idleness and intemperance, lying and cheating- must rebuke.
- Put it away from your tabernacle; Job:22:23; In the government of your families may you be more jealous for God’s honor, than for your authority and interest, and show yourself displeased at that which is an offensive to God, than at that which is only an affront or damage to yourselves. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
- Drive away angry countenance all that evil communication which corrupts good manners. May your houses be habituations of righteousness, and sin may never find shelter in them.
Chapter 3
The Motives to persuade you to turn your houses into churches
1. Families as little churches- God will be there. “When two or three are gathered in My name…..”
King David desires that very much. Psalm 101:2
Ref: Read page60
Rev: 3:20; Eze: 44:30; Psalm: 33:3
- Gives your family more comforts and crosses are bearable and houses become beautiful dwelling places in this earth.
- Furnish them for His entrance: Good Shunamite invited prophet Elisha: 2 Kings 4;10
- Keep up for God a throne and an altar:
a. From throne He gives the law.
b. From the altar we honor and glorify God
- The secret of God shall be in your tabernacle as it was with Job; (Job: 29:4), as it is with the righteous (Psalm: 25:14; Prov: 3:32, 33)
2. God can make your little house church to a little Sanctuary!
-God will be to you as a Sanctuary, a defense for His glory; Ezek: 11:16; Zec: 2:5; Job: 1:10; Isa: 4:5; Psalm: 27:4&5.
- Almighty God your refuge and protection: Psalm: 91:1, 5
- Insure your houses by this best policy; the way of safety; Psalm 121
- Fear not I am your shield: Gen: 15:1
- Wisdom herself given her word for it; Prov: 1:33
3. If God does not have a place in your house, it is to be feared that Satan will have a seat there!
- Angel of the church at Pergamos: Rev: 2:13; where Satan’s seat is! and that was his affliction! Irreligion and immorality.
- If the unclean spirit, find the house in this sense empty, empty of good, though it be swept and garnished, he takes to himself seven spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there.
- Terrible stories told about houses haunted by ‘Devil’- Rioting, drunkenness reign, swearing and cursing are the language of the house, OR more spiritual wickedness of pride, malice, covetousness and deceit have the ascendant- may truly be haunted by the ‘Devil.’ Rev: 18:2
- Effectual antidote against Satan’s poison- ‘keep sin out of your house; keep up religion in the house.
Ref: Gen: 20:11
-There is hope: Keep up prayer; struggle between Christ and Belial in your house?, and the insults of sin and Satan are daring and threatening?, as long as Christ keeps the field, and the weapons of warfare are made use of, we can hope the enemy will lose ground!
4. A church in the house will make you very comfortable
- A constant communion with the gracious God.
- Devotions! Family worships! Our delights! – the most valuable of our family comforts!
- Improves family relationships, and love among members of the family, communion of saints: Psalm 133:1-2
- Makes the family affairs successful: Psalm: 90:17; 112:8
- It will be a house of prayer- wheel pf prayer!; in times of sickness, death, and sorrow! And even before they come!!
5. It is a good legacy and will be a good inheritance
- A family altar a best support your children ever have; one day they will be praising God for you; and praising God in this earth when you are praising God in heaven.
- It is a true ‘legacy’. “ Gen:50:24
- Pass it on; Psalm: 78:6; and religion may become an heirloom in our families.
- A good man leaves an inheritance to his children; and the generation of the upright shall be blessed.
6. It contributes very much to the prosperity of the church of God in the nation.
- We desire true Christianity and serious godliness with power
- Every one build up the ruins of Jerusalem; Jer: 3:10
- Work of God will be easier, if we are taught in our own homes.
- Praying family: Public prayer will be more affectionate and successful.
Ref: page 72
- Your family will be a blessing in the neighborhood and in the community.
Chapter 4
Exhortations for applying these things
1. Those Masters of families who neglected this family religion- are persuaded to set up, taking authority. First set up Christ upon the throne of your hearts, and then set up a church for Christ in your house!!
Ref: Acts: 16:14-15; Story of Lydia, in the N.T
[Tonight? Or tomorrow?!] Do not despise to begin a new custom if it is a good custom. Begin a new custom, especially if it is a duty demanded in Scriptures.
- Do as well as you can
Do not bury your talents!
2. Those who have started and let it off, revive it.
- You are so eager in your worldly pursuits that you have neither hearts nor time for religious services. Remember your ‘First Love’?
“I will go and return to my first husband, for then was it better with me than now.”- Hosea: 2:7
- Repair the Altar of the Lord: Cleanse the sanctuary; put away the strange gods…. That has gained possession of your heart and house.
“Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there.” Gen: 35:1
3. Those who are negligent are called to more Zeal and constancy
- Like church of Laodicea, neither hot nor cold?
- Make a business of your family religion and not a by-business. Let it be your delight, and pleasure and not a task or drudgery.
- Not slothful, it is a business for God and your souls; be fervent in the spirit and serve the Lord!
4. Those who have a church, be very careful to adorn and beautify it in their manner of life
Read: Page83
- Be not Christians upon your knees and Jews in your shops!
- Teach through your behavior to others, to be humble, patient, sober and temperate, loving and peaceable, just and honor.
Those who are not won by Word will be won by your behavior.
5. Those who want to go into the world to set up churches let them set up at their houses first.
- Do not let God’s house lay waste: Haggai: 1:2, 4
6. In all your travels you take the church in your house along with you.
- Church in their house: Rom: 16:5; example: Abraham in O.T; Aquila and Priscilla in N.T; Paul wrote Epistles at various places, Corinth, Ephesus and so on…
- Men pray every where: 1Tim:2:8
- When you are in your city houses, let not the business of them crowd out your family religion. Do not let the diversions of your country houses indispose your minds to those serious exercises.
7. Let inferior relations help to promote religion in the families where they are.
- Keep up the life of religion in your hearts.
- Let your lives be a credit to good education for people around you.
8. Solitary people that are not set in families, have churches in their closets.
- When every man repaired the wall of Jerusalem over against his own house, we read of one that repaired over against his chamber: Neh: 3:30
- exhort one another: Heb: 3: 13; apply to yourself.
9. Those that are to choose a settlement consult the welfare of their souls in the choice.
- Do not be unequally yoked; Prov: 14:1
- Go with those with whom God is! Zec: 8:23
- When you choose habituation do not be like Lot: Gen: 13:11, 13
- Ref: Psalm: 119:72
10. Religious families, make use of this opportunity to encourage others, and make friendships.
- Communion of churches: is beauty and strength.
11. House churches, flourishing have comfort.
- Are your houses on earth, God’s houses?
God’s house will be your house one-day! “In My Fathers’ house there are many mansions.” John:14:1,2
Restoring daily worship to the Christian Household
-Matthew Henry; edited by Scott Brown
Matthew Henry (1662-1714); English non-conformist Pastor and Bible commentator; an emblem of faithful father hood.
“A Church in the House, a Sermon concerning Family- Religion”
Sermon begins with 1 Cori: 16:19-“The Churches in A’sia salute you. A-qui’la and Pris-cil’la salute you much in the Lord, with the Church that is in their house.” and illuminates the importance of Spiritual life at home.
He shows fathers, in very specific ways how to make their houses, little churches.
Importance of Henry’s sermon for our time
Henry’s household like ‘gates of heaven’ where parents governed all family life by the Word of God.
Ref: Page14
A Church in the House kind of message promises to expand our vision beyond our thinking of our own era and fortify us with timeless principles that the Great Designer has established.
The contents and potency of a man’s vision of home life == =>crack house or godless house or lukewarm house or a household of God.
Holy Scriptures and Ref: for connections between Christian homes & Church
- Beauty of a Christian home: loving direction of the head of the household (father)
- Fathers: functions as: prophets, priests and kings
- Home : is a type of church
- Christ is the head of the church; & husband head of wife: Eph: 5
- Children are trained; & church they are equipped: Eph:4 &6
- Church is charged to deliver the whole counsel of God: Acts 20
- Home life meant to be saturated with God’s Word: Deut:6
Ref: page 17
*Good Mentor for Matthew Henry: Philip Henry his father; Matthew used his father’s hand written notes of expositions to teach his own children at home. Made O.T & N.T Bible Commentaries.
(George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon used his commentaries.)
Practical helps for Spiritual disciplines at home
The simplicity of his methods are worth to consider.
“His piety at home, embraced the whole compass of relative religion; he was an example to be believers’ not only as a husband, a father, and master; but also as a son, a son-in law, a brother, and a friend.”
Ref: pages: 19-20
- Beautiful Home life: he drew from the great well of Holy Scriptures
- God-centered home life: took every opportunity to breathe the joy of the Lord into it.
Baptismal Covenant signed at 1686 by him and his daughters
“I take God the Father to be my chiefest good and Highest end. I take God the Son to be my Prince and Savior. I take God the Holy Ghost to be my sanctifier; teacher, guide, and comforter. I take the Word of God to be my rule in all my actions. And the people of God to be my people in all conditions. And this I do deliberately, sincerely, and freely for ever.”
Creating this kind of home life is one of the greatest difficulties for heads of households today, particularly as everything in modern life seems to work against it. I hope this sermon will help the fathers in their journey to be like the Heavenly Father.
Written by Scott T. Brown
Chapter 1
Here the Reformation must Begin
-With the Church that is in their House: 1 Cor. 16:19
-Nymphas had a Church in his house: Rom: 16:5
- Brethren in La-od-i-ce’a and Nymphas; Church in their house: Col: 4:15
-Apph’i-a and Archip’pus; fellow soldier; Church in their house: Philemon: v2
Questions to our Hearts.
1. Is Spiritual life flourishing or withering in our house?
“Is it upon the throne or underfoot in your home?”
Ref: page24
2. Here the Transformation must Begin
“Salt must be cast into the springs, and then the waters would be healed.”
*Rev: 3:3 “Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.”
Recommended Lesson
That the families of Christians should be little churches.
That wherever we have a house, God should have a church in it.
3. Families are little Churches
“Families were the primitive churches of the Old Testament, before men began to call upon the name of the Lord..” Public religious assemblies, which always ought to have the preference.”
“The Lord loves the Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.”-Paslm87:2
4. A Church in the house does not usurp the office of the church
“We must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, under excuse of exhorting one another daily at home.”
Ref: page27
Chapter 2
What does it mean to have a church in the house?
- Sacred Societies: families
1. Devoted to God
2. Employed for Him
• Churches are societies devoted to God
- Called out of the world- God has set them apart for Himself.
Ref: Ex: 19:6: 1Pet:2:9
Houses Consecrated to God
- Houses must be churches
- All our interests: relations; possessions
{All that the servant had was his master’s for ever}
Ref: Gen: 12:5; God called Abram out of Ur of Chaldees. Put themselves and their all under a Divine conduct and government.
Even little families can be churches.
“The master of the family gives up all his right, title, and interest, in his house, and all that belongs to it, unto God…to be used by Him, and disposed by Him”
Here is a church in the House
- Baptism was ordained for the discipling of the nations: Matt: 28:19; Rev: 11:15
- Baptism households are discipled: Lydia’s and Jailor’s: Acts:16:15,33; & the Word was for all the families of Israel: Jer: 30:1
- Baptized families, that own their Baptism and adhere to it, and in their joint and relative capacity make profession of the Christian faith, may so far be called little churches.
Dedicating your Household to God
-Dedication of private houses; common practice: Deut: 20:5
-A Psalm or Song at the dedication of the house of David: Psalm 30
- Dedicating to the service and honor of God: so it would be a Bethel, a house of God; & not a Bethaven, a house of vanity and iniquity.
- Householder dedicates his house habitually and virtually: Gen: 28:22
- Gospel obedience and easy services; I own Him to be my land Lord, and I hold all from and under Him.
- Let Holiness to the Lord be written upon the house, according to the Word which God has spoken: Zech: 14: 20, 21
- Let me and mine be only, wholly, and for ever His.
The Dedication of your Homes
- Ref: page 33
- Ref: Psalm: 24:9; “Lift up your heads, O, ye gates…..King of Glory shall come in.”
- Bring the ark of the Lord into the tent you have pitched.
“Look upon your houses as temples for God, places for worship, and all your possessions as dedicated things, to be used for God’s honor, and not to be alienated or profaned.”
*Churches are societies employed for God
3 Things are necessary for maintaining a Church in the House
a. Keep up Family Doctrine.
-Not only Baptism, must dwell with your families as men of knowledge 1 Pet: 3:7; communicate your knowledge for the benefit of others.
- Read Scriptures and check if the family members understand!
- Each family member has a Bible; Book of the law is not a rarity as in the days of King Josiah.
“It is better to be without bread in your houses than without Bibles.”
-USE the Bibles at your Houses; Make a solemn reading of the Scripture a part of your daily worship in your families. Much to the honor of God and to your family’s edification.
“If you persist in the neglect of it, you may thank yourselves. The guilt will lie wholly at your own doors.” [Add the story of Muslim countries]
• This will equip you in the Word for every good work.
Matthew Henry recommends Psalms for devotion and Solomon’s Proverbs in our manner of life.
Reading the whole Bible
“When you only hear your children reading the Bible, they are tempted to look upon it as no more but a school book. But, when they hear you read it to them in a solemn, religious manner, it comes as it ought, with more authority.”- Matthew Henry
Reading other books
- Seasonable reading of other good books to profit.
You must catechize your children
- God directs us to:
- Deut: 6:7; “And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.”
- Keep up stated time for this service; because the enemy is working hard against it.
- Wisdom you need : not make it a burden, but a pleasure
- House: place where the trees of righteousness are reared and afterwards planted in the Courts of the Lord.
- Public catechizing will turn to little account without family catechizing.
[Labor of ministers for youth is difficult because masters of the families do not do their duty]
- Mothers are children’s best nurses; so also parents the best teachers.
[Solomon’s father was his tutor: Prov: 4:3-4; Solomon did not forget the lessons his mother has taught himProv; 31:1]
-Baptism: obligation upon them to live in the fear of the Lord;
For Parents: to bring them up in the fear of the Lord; follow the example of faithful Abraham: Gen: 18:19
Ref: page40
- The inheritance of the covenant of grace is forfeited if care is not taken with it to transmit the means of grace.
- Word of caution: God owns them, Ezek: 16:20
- Ref: page41
-Very young children are capable of honoring God
- Consider their purpose on earth: They should be praising God in this earth while we are praising Him in Heaven.
- Consider their purpose in Heaven:
Ref: page43-Read
- Make a consistent pattern: “Will it not be very sad, if through your carelessness and neglect your children should learn the ways of sin, and perish eventually in those ways.”- Matthew Henry
b. Keep up family worship
- Some ways tread in the steps of our faithful fathers like Abraham.
Ref: Gen: 21:33
- Wherever he pitched a tent, he built an altar for the Lord God: Gen:12:7; &13:4,18
Family- Prayer days
1. You ought to make family-acknowledgements of your dependence upon God and His providence, as you are a family.
- Give unto the Lord the glory and honor due unto Him; His government, His provision, and He is the owner of your family.
-Adore Him; covenant relationship with Him: Jer: 31:1; “ …you will be my people.”
-In Him all the families of the earth are blessed; Gen:12:3; by His hand and by His blood.
- Never set up a title to any of your enjoyments in competition with His.
2. You ought to make family- confessions of your sins against God.
-Confession of the sins of your house, as of Eli’s: 1Sam:13:14& the curse that follows” Zech: 5:4
-Read: page46
-The best families are those in which piety and love prevails most, yet in many things come short, and do enough every day to bring it to God at night.
3. You ought to offer up family thanksgivings for the blessings which you, with your families, receive from God.
- For the hedge of protection around you and your household: Job: 1:10
- Defense upon every dwelling place of Mt. Zion: Isa: 4:5
[Safe from employments, heath, provision, fruit of your hands, peace, comfort, good relationship with family members and no disaster- end of the day-give thanks] Psalm: 118:15
- God has known you above all the families of the earth: May His mercy endures for ever.
4. You ought to present your family petitions for the mercy and grace which your families stand in need of.
- There are family cares, comforts, & crosses- stand before the mercy seat.
[Benefit: you are modeling to your children and their belief grows]
-* You travail in birth again till you see Christ formed in them and you pray for them—I personally like this.
- Warning to parents: Do not give to your children what is just and equal if they do not pray with you; they are given in your hands for God’s sovereign purposes. Col: 4:1-2
a. Prayer for family temptations: Worldliness, neglect of religious duties, family discord, mutual jealousies, distrust, discontent and so on…
b. Seeking family-blessings:
- God has promised, seek in prayer: 2 Tim: 1:16; Psalm: 133:1-3; 2Sam:6:20
5. You ought to make family-intercessions for others also.
- Neighborhood, friendships, and acquaintances you became interested in.
- Families in distant places; Missionaries
- Public peace: for our native land & its prosperity; supplication for our leaders: 1 Tim: 2:2, 8
- Churches abroad, around persecuted church and for the families.
- Rule: Whatever is the matter of care let it be a matter of our prayer.
Singing together as a family
-In daily worship and on Sabbath worship- use Psalms
C. Family Discipline
- Head of the household rules the house with the fear of the Lord; Josh: 24:15*
- Only those who have clean hands and pure hearts are accounted as the generations who seek God: Psalm: 24:4, 6
-Those who pretend to seek God, actually mocks Him; Isa: 58:2
- The authority God has given you over your children use it for God’s honor and for His work.
- Bless your household: Psalm: 101; carefully watch over those who are under your charge and remember you have to give an account one day.
Encourage every thing that is good and praise-worthy in your children and servants
1. “When you see any thing that is hopeful and promising in your family ……you should therefore do your best to encourage it.” – Now I praise You: 1 Cori: 11:2
- Always hold them in the bond of love; the great Shepherd gathers the lambs in His arms!!
2. Discourage everything that is evil in your children and servants
- Use your authority for the preventing of sin, and suppressing every root of bitterness. Pride and passion, strife and contention, idleness and intemperance, lying and cheating- must rebuke.
- Put it away from your tabernacle; Job:22:23; In the government of your families may you be more jealous for God’s honor, than for your authority and interest, and show yourself displeased at that which is an offensive to God, than at that which is only an affront or damage to yourselves. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
- Drive away angry countenance all that evil communication which corrupts good manners. May your houses be habituations of righteousness, and sin may never find shelter in them.
Chapter 3
The Motives to persuade you to turn your houses into churches
1. Families as little churches- God will be there. “When two or three are gathered in My name…..”
King David desires that very much. Psalm 101:2
Ref: Read page60
Rev: 3:20; Eze: 44:30; Psalm: 33:3
- Gives your family more comforts and crosses are bearable and houses become beautiful dwelling places in this earth.
- Furnish them for His entrance: Good Shunamite invited prophet Elisha: 2 Kings 4;10
- Keep up for God a throne and an altar:
a. From throne He gives the law.
b. From the altar we honor and glorify God
- The secret of God shall be in your tabernacle as it was with Job; (Job: 29:4), as it is with the righteous (Psalm: 25:14; Prov: 3:32, 33)
2. God can make your little house church to a little Sanctuary!
-God will be to you as a Sanctuary, a defense for His glory; Ezek: 11:16; Zec: 2:5; Job: 1:10; Isa: 4:5; Psalm: 27:4&5.
- Almighty God your refuge and protection: Psalm: 91:1, 5
- Insure your houses by this best policy; the way of safety; Psalm 121
- Fear not I am your shield: Gen: 15:1
- Wisdom herself given her word for it; Prov: 1:33
3. If God does not have a place in your house, it is to be feared that Satan will have a seat there!
- Angel of the church at Pergamos: Rev: 2:13; where Satan’s seat is! and that was his affliction! Irreligion and immorality.
- If the unclean spirit, find the house in this sense empty, empty of good, though it be swept and garnished, he takes to himself seven spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there.
- Terrible stories told about houses haunted by ‘Devil’- Rioting, drunkenness reign, swearing and cursing are the language of the house, OR more spiritual wickedness of pride, malice, covetousness and deceit have the ascendant- may truly be haunted by the ‘Devil.’ Rev: 18:2
- Effectual antidote against Satan’s poison- ‘keep sin out of your house; keep up religion in the house.
Ref: Gen: 20:11
-There is hope: Keep up prayer; struggle between Christ and Belial in your house?, and the insults of sin and Satan are daring and threatening?, as long as Christ keeps the field, and the weapons of warfare are made use of, we can hope the enemy will lose ground!
4. A church in the house will make you very comfortable
- A constant communion with the gracious God.
- Devotions! Family worships! Our delights! – the most valuable of our family comforts!
- Improves family relationships, and love among members of the family, communion of saints: Psalm 133:1-2
- Makes the family affairs successful: Psalm: 90:17; 112:8
- It will be a house of prayer- wheel pf prayer!; in times of sickness, death, and sorrow! And even before they come!!
5. It is a good legacy and will be a good inheritance
- A family altar a best support your children ever have; one day they will be praising God for you; and praising God in this earth when you are praising God in heaven.
- It is a true ‘legacy’. “ Gen:50:24
- Pass it on; Psalm: 78:6; and religion may become an heirloom in our families.
- A good man leaves an inheritance to his children; and the generation of the upright shall be blessed.
6. It contributes very much to the prosperity of the church of God in the nation.
- We desire true Christianity and serious godliness with power
- Every one build up the ruins of Jerusalem; Jer: 3:10
- Work of God will be easier, if we are taught in our own homes.
- Praying family: Public prayer will be more affectionate and successful.
Ref: page 72
- Your family will be a blessing in the neighborhood and in the community.
Chapter 4
Exhortations for applying these things
1. Those Masters of families who neglected this family religion- are persuaded to set up, taking authority. First set up Christ upon the throne of your hearts, and then set up a church for Christ in your house!!
Ref: Acts: 16:14-15; Story of Lydia, in the N.T
[Tonight? Or tomorrow?!] Do not despise to begin a new custom if it is a good custom. Begin a new custom, especially if it is a duty demanded in Scriptures.
- Do as well as you can
Do not bury your talents!
2. Those who have started and let it off, revive it.
- You are so eager in your worldly pursuits that you have neither hearts nor time for religious services. Remember your ‘First Love’?
“I will go and return to my first husband, for then was it better with me than now.”- Hosea: 2:7
- Repair the Altar of the Lord: Cleanse the sanctuary; put away the strange gods…. That has gained possession of your heart and house.
“Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there.” Gen: 35:1
3. Those who are negligent are called to more Zeal and constancy
- Like church of Laodicea, neither hot nor cold?
- Make a business of your family religion and not a by-business. Let it be your delight, and pleasure and not a task or drudgery.
- Not slothful, it is a business for God and your souls; be fervent in the spirit and serve the Lord!
4. Those who have a church, be very careful to adorn and beautify it in their manner of life
Read: Page83
- Be not Christians upon your knees and Jews in your shops!
- Teach through your behavior to others, to be humble, patient, sober and temperate, loving and peaceable, just and honor.
Those who are not won by Word will be won by your behavior.
5. Those who want to go into the world to set up churches let them set up at their houses first.
- Do not let God’s house lay waste: Haggai: 1:2, 4
6. In all your travels you take the church in your house along with you.
- Church in their house: Rom: 16:5; example: Abraham in O.T; Aquila and Priscilla in N.T; Paul wrote Epistles at various places, Corinth, Ephesus and so on…
- Men pray every where: 1Tim:2:8
- When you are in your city houses, let not the business of them crowd out your family religion. Do not let the diversions of your country houses indispose your minds to those serious exercises.
7. Let inferior relations help to promote religion in the families where they are.
- Keep up the life of religion in your hearts.
- Let your lives be a credit to good education for people around you.
8. Solitary people that are not set in families, have churches in their closets.
- When every man repaired the wall of Jerusalem over against his own house, we read of one that repaired over against his chamber: Neh: 3:30
- exhort one another: Heb: 3: 13; apply to yourself.
9. Those that are to choose a settlement consult the welfare of their souls in the choice.
- Do not be unequally yoked; Prov: 14:1
- Go with those with whom God is! Zec: 8:23
- When you choose habituation do not be like Lot: Gen: 13:11, 13
- Ref: Psalm: 119:72
10. Religious families, make use of this opportunity to encourage others, and make friendships.
- Communion of churches: is beauty and strength.
11. House churches, flourishing have comfort.
- Are your houses on earth, God’s houses?
God’s house will be your house one-day! “In My Fathers’ house there are many mansions.” John:14:1,2
"But the natural man receveith not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
1 Cor 2:14 KJV
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
Secret Place: All those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under His protection, and may preserve a holy serenity and security of mind at all times. He that by faith chooses God for his guardian shall find all in Him that he needs.
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty: Psalm 91:1
"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." Mat 25:46.(KJV)
"Go away" wicked are driven into darkness. This speaks of an irresistible conviction of guilt and a final despair of mercy. The punishment of the wicked in the future state will be everlasting,...
"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts."
Galatians 5:24. (KJV) Christ will never own those as His who yield themselves as the servants of sin. It is not enough we cease to do evil, but must learn to do well, and must show forth those fruits of the Spirit.
1 Cor 2:14 KJV
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
Secret Place: All those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under His protection, and may preserve a holy serenity and security of mind at all times. He that by faith chooses God for his guardian shall find all in Him that he needs.
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty: Psalm 91:1
"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." Mat 25:46.(KJV)
"Go away" wicked are driven into darkness. This speaks of an irresistible conviction of guilt and a final despair of mercy. The punishment of the wicked in the future state will be everlasting,...
"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts."
Galatians 5:24. (KJV) Christ will never own those as His who yield themselves as the servants of sin. It is not enough we cease to do evil, but must learn to do well, and must show forth those fruits of the Spirit.
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