Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Two Ways!

Blessed’ or ‘happy’ expresses a sense of joy and satisfaction in one’s circumstances or state of life. Very often it is the ultimate result of trusting God completely in all life situations, obeying His written Word; Ref: Psa: 34:8; 40:4. This also shows the faithfulness of those who trust in God fully, and not taking things into ones’ own hands, or going to another source for help. God (Yahweh) is the only source of help for those who trust in Him.

The Hebrew words:

The word for Psalms: ‘tehilim’ which means Praise.

Happy is ‘Blessed’; ‘Ashrey, an interjection frequent in Psalms, means ‘happy’; Psa 1:1. It is similar to ‘baruk’ which means ‘blessed’ and it is more often used in a secular term.

Torah’ is some times translated as ‘law’ and very often it is understood as ‘teaching’ or ‘instruction’.

‘Hgh’ is based on Josh 1:8; which means literally mumbling to one self; or closely related to concentrating on some thing in order to understand it well.

Book of Psalms are mainly ‘Lyrics’ and one can not but deeply be affected by the emotions, strengths, and petitions contained in the Psalm. Psalm 1 definitely talks about two ways of life: one leading to everlasting life; and the other one leading to everlasting death. This Psalm gives the revelation of God’s will for His people, and not a body of legislative material or a collection of judicial decisions often associated with the English word ‘law’. It brings out that God’s (Yahweh’s) instructions are a delight and not a burden to those who trust in Him. The image of the righteous (Ps 1; 3) as flourishing trees is a very common metaphor used through out Scriptures; Psa 92:12-14; Jer 17; 8. The tree bearing fruit is the extension of the metaphor, and is very much related to the individual giving spiritual fruit, and shows the spiritual status of the believer.

This Psalm talks about and focuses on the destiny of the two ways in verse 4. “The ungodly are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.” Psa 1:4. Chaff is in contrast to the fruit; but the fruit is the valuable product from the field whereas the ‘chaff’ is the useless byproduct which comes in threshing. The Word of God says that the wicked will be like the chaff, useless and will be carried away by the wind; and will be separated from the fruit which is useful and valuable.

Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment; nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.” Psa 1:5. This verse definitely talks about the judgment. Some people argue that it is only the final judgment which is definite; but it is better to understand the judgment whether it is in this life or the life to come. It is very clear as sinners are not equated with the righteous they will be judged and removed from the scene.

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous; but the way of the wicked shall perish.’ Psa1: 6. This verse shows the final summary of the ‘Two Ways’; The first way is the way of the righteous and God’s protection will be there and their way will be flourishing. The second way is for ruin and destruction and the wicked will follow that way and will be utterly destroyed.

Dear friends, it is a great blessedness to know and experience the love of Christ. Jesus’ death on the cross is the only the source of forgiveness of sin; Jn 3:16. For this is what love of God is; to keep his commandments, now His commandments are not a burden, because whatever has been born of God conquers the world: our faith.”1 Jn 5:3. Love of God is not separate from keeping His commandments. God’s commands teach His people how to do what God accepts as pleasing; Rom12:1-2. Knowledge of God transforms the human will, making what was burden easy and light to carry; Matt 11:30.

Some have referred to the Psalms as Israel’s hymnbook; and more than one third of its collection contain prayers to God and were used in the context of Israel’s worship. My prayer as I write this would be as follows: ‘Lord I pray that whomever who reads this would delight in Your law and that they would meditate on it, pondering it day and night.’ Psa: 1:2.


1.The Matthew Henry Study Bible, ‘King James version’ The best of Matthew Henry’s Notes in a Handy One Volume Reference Bible, World Bible Publishers, Inc; 1994, Iowa Falls, U.S.A.

2. David Seeking A Heart Like His, ‘Beth Moore’ Life Way Christian resources, Nashville, Tennessee, 2010, pgs: 149-157.

3. Jay E. Adams, ‘Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling’ Finishing Well, Breaking Through, Getting Started, (New Jersey: Zondervan, 2002, p.6-7)

4. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986, p. 20-28)

5. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling’, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1994, P. 76-77)

6. Jay E. Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973, p. 15-16, 21-23; 92-97)

7. Jay E. Adams, ‘Lectures on Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978, p.192-203)

8.The Holy Bible, New King James version, Women of Destiny Bible, “Women Mentoring women Through the Scriptures” A Spirit Filled Life Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, Copyright 1982.

9. HCSB Study Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, ‘God’s Word for Life’ Nashville, Tennessee, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this write, Dr. Liz. Just this morning I received a phone call from a friend, distraught over the fact that she was told that God did not give Moses the 10 commandments...
    that they were already in existence. Moses merely embraced them for the Isralites. NONENSE! I said.
    With such garbage flying around is it any wonder that pastors hesitate to preach the TRUTH and take a stand for Jesus, the Bible and all that it teaches?
    Indeed, there are two paths open to everyone one: one leads to eternal life, the other to eternal death. Thing is, preachers avoid this truth as they don't want to "offend" anyone. So they preach a watered-down version of God's truths. That is sad. Because of that, many will head for the broad road and ultimate destruction. Few, those standing firm on God's Word, will find the narrow path.
    Even so, God, through the unselfish sacrifice of Jesus, has provided a way of redemption. Sadly, many scoff at this insisting that there are more than one way to God. What pleases God is obedience of His Word and acceptance and believe of who Jesus is and what He did on the Cross.
    Dr. Liz, I pray that your writes stir many to give their hearts to our Triune God: for Jesus is the ONLY way, the truth, and the life. He is concealed in the Old Testament but revealed in the New.

    With deep respect,
