Sunday, January 8, 2012
Weapons of our Warfare
The work of the ministry is a true spiritual warfare and it is not after the flesh. It is a spiritual warfare with spiritual enemies and for spiritual purposes. Any man who is in ministry though in the flesh and in the common affairs of life, should not go by the maxims of the flesh, and not work hard to please the flesh. They should crucify their passions and lusts and must be mortified and kept under control.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Cori 10: 4-5.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:12. The combat is not against human enemies but against several ranks of devils, who have a government which they exercise in this world, principalities, powers and rulers. They are numerous and very vigorous and they usurp power over all men who are in sin and ignorance of the Gospel.
Christ is the Kingdom of light and Satan is a Kingdom of deep darkness and there is no equality between the two and they war against each other. The doctrines of the Gospel and discipline of the church are the weapons of this warfare, and this is not carnal. Outward force is not the method of the Gospel but strong persuasions, by the power of the Holy Spirit, truth which is the Word of God in meekness and godly wisdom. Prejudices, ignorance, and lusts are strongholds in the soul and conscience is accountable to God only. Proud conceits always exalt itself against the knowledge of God and because of this they become very vain in their thinking. By these Satan endeavors to keep men from faith and obedience to the Gospel and secures the hearts of men as his possession and property.
Satan’s Opposition to the Truth
Satan is a liar by nature. We can safely say that Satan is a pathological liar (John 8:44). He would lie even when he didn’t have to. He is both self-deceived and a deceiver (Revelation 12:9). From the beginning of time, Satan has sought to oppose God and His people by opposing the truth. Consider some of Satan’s tactics throughout history, as exposed in the Scriptures. He works to keep men from the truth, or to keep the truth from men; Mark 4:15;2; Corinthians 4:3-4. He denies the truth, usually declaring a “new truth” in its place; Genesis 3:1-7. He seeks to deceive men about the truth by disseminating his false teaching and doctrines as the truth; 1 Tim 4:1-5. He distorts the truth; Matthew 23:23-24. He works to produce disobedience to the truth. Satan knows that to keep men from obedience to the truth is as good as keeping them from the truth; 1 Jn 2: 4-6. He seeks to fan the flames of man’s curiosity and of his ego, so that he will forsake God’s truth in the pursuit of “higher” truth; 1 Cori 4: 6. He even works among believers, to turn them from the truth and to incite them to be untruthful (see Matthew 24:24; Acts 20: 29-30; 5:1-11).
The weapons of warfare of a believer are mighty and very powerful because of God’s Word is truth and is convincing and cogent. God is our mighty warrior, commander in Chief and He is a Holy God, and He makes all the opposition to fall before His victorious Gospel. We observe here the conquest which God’s Word gains by the working power of His Spirit. The strongholds are pulled down by the message of the Gospel through the grace and by the Spirit of God accompanying is efficient. Indeed the conversion of a soul is the conquest of Satan in that soul.
A Christian should always stand in complete armor and this armor is Divine; Eph 6: 10-18. The divine armors are the military girdle or belt, the breastplate, the soldiers’ shoes, the shield, the helmet and the sword. Truth and sincerity will always be our girdle because God desires truth in our inward parts. The breastplate secures the heart because the righteousness of Christ secures us from the arrows of Satan. Shoes were used to defend against traps and sharp sticks laid in the way. Gospel brings all sorts of peace, and we need a resolved heart to adhere to the Gospel, which will enable us to walk with a steady peace in relationship with Jesus. Shield of faith is all in all to us in hour of temptation and is a very important one. Faith acted upon the Word of God and the grace of Christ, quenches the darts of temptation.
Helmet of salvation protects the head and our thinking and a good hope of this keep us from being troubled and tormented by Satan. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and this is very necessary to a Christian in order to maintain the spiritual warfare and to succeed in it. Prayer must buckle on all the other parts of our Christian armor, and we must join prayer with all these graces for defense against these spiritual enemies. We must continue in this with all perseverance as long as we live in this world.
One must not yield to the devil’s allurements and assaults, but oppose them against his schemes and devices. To stand against Satan is to strive against sin, and our business is to withstand against the assaults of the evil one. As soldiers of Jesus Christ our warfare will be accomplished and we will be victorious.
Website References:
1. Weapons of the Spiritual Warfare—Truth (Ephesians 6:14a) Bible ...—truth-ephesians-614aCached - Similar
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The girding of the loins is the first step in the Christian's preparation for spiritual warfare. In the Bible, the girding of the loins is a preparatory step, it prepares us ...
2. Weapons of Warfare - Similar
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Weapons of Warfare By Susan E. Todd (April 2003). When you think of weapons in the Bible you usually think of daggers, spears, swords, javelins and the bow. ...
3. 2 Corinthians 10:4 The weapons we fight with ... - Online Parallel Bible - Similar
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for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) (For the weapons of ...
4. Prayer Reflections: Gods Weapons Of Warfare - Similar
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22 Apr 2006 – Weapons Of Warfare - Spiritual Warfare: The Bible clearly tells us that our battle isn't against flesh and blood, but that it is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE ...
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We have one offensive weapon: the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Eph. 6: 17). But what many Christians fail to realize is that we can't draw the sword from ...
6. Spiritual Warfare - Similar
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The Bible speaks of spiritual warfare in many places, but most directly in Ephesians ... God instructs Christians to use a very specific set of armor and weapons in ...
7. WAR in the BIBLE: The Army, battles, weapons, siege engineering - Similar
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War in ancient Israel: the tribal militia then a professional standing army; major battles of the Bible,weapons,tactics,guerilla warfare,siege machines and battering ...
8. Weapons and Warfare in Ancient Israel Grace Communion ...
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What weapons did these heroes use, and what was their strategy in defeating their enemies? The Bible does not usually give a detailed description of weapons ...
9. General: Weapons & Warfare - Bible History Links (Ancient Biblical ... - Similar
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Weapons & Warfare: General Hoplite Sword (Greece) The hoplite sword was essentially a slashing weapon and was generally worn slung from a baldric over ...
10. Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with ... - Similar
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He says, "You are My war-club, My weapon of war; And with you I shatter nations, And with you I destroy kingdoms. King James Bible Thou art my battle axe and ...
Book References:
1.Payer To Move Your Mountains, “Powerful Prayers for The Spirit-Filled Life.” (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000)
2. Practical Psychology for Pastors, William R. Miller, Kathleen A. Jackson (The University of Mexico), second Edition, Prentice – Hall Inc, 1995,1985, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
3. Jay E.Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973)
4. John G. Kruis, ‘Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling; (Grand rapids: Baker Books, Third edition, p. 169-170)
5. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999)
6. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith: Marshall Pickering, 1985), p. 100-104).
7.The Matthew Henry Study Bible, ‘King James version’ The best of Matthew Henry’s Notes in a Handy One Volume Reference Bible, World Bible Publishers, Inc; 1994, Iowa Falls, U.S.A.
8. David Seeking A Heart Like His, ‘Beth Moore’ Life Way Christian resources, Nashville, Tennessee, 2010, pgs: 206-210.
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling’ Finishing Well, Breaking Through, Getting Started, (New Jersey: Zondervan, 2002)
10. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986)
11. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling’, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1994)
12. Jay E. Adams, ‘Lectures on Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978, p.192-203)13. The Holy Bible, New King James version, Women of Destiny Bible, “Women Mentoring women Through the Scriptures” A Spirit Filled Life Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, Copyright 1982.
14. Deuteronomy becoming Holy People, Stephen D. Eyre, p:32-26; IVP connect, An imprint of Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1998, 2004.
15. Metzeger, Bruce M. (ed); Michael D. Coogan (ed) (1993). The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-504645-5.
16. Mitchell, Stephen, 1987. The Book of Job. San Francisco: North Point Press. Cited in R. T. Pennock, 1999, Tower of Babel, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
God is more powerful than the ‘behemoth’.
Behemoth ( /bɨˈhiːməθ/ or /ˈbiː.əməθ/, also /ˈbeɪ.əmɔːθ/; Hebrew בהמות, behemoth
(modern: behemot)) is a mythological beast mentioned in the Book of Job, 40:15-24.[1]
Metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any large or powerful entity. In Jewish apocrypha and pseudepigrapha such as the 2nd century BCE Book of Enoch, Behemoth is the primal unconquerable monster of the land, as leviathan is the primal monster of the waters of the sea and Ziz the primordial monster of the sky. Behemoth signifies beasts in general and in this Biblical passage it meant of one particular species with enormous strength and power. Some understand it as of a bull and others think it is a hippopotamus. However big, powerful and strong we may try to understand ‘behemoth’ it was the evidence of eminent instance of the Creator’s power and wisdom. Job 40:15-24, describes Behemoth, and then the sea-monster Leviathan, to demonstrate to Job the futility of questioning God, who alone has created these beings and who alone can capture them.[2]
“Behold, now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo, now his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. he moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God; he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordon into his mouth. He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares, (Job 40: 15-24).
Consider whether the one created is able to contend with the Creator who gave the power to behemoth or anyone who claim to have power to control another in a wrong way. It should be the wisdom of ‘behemoth’ if any should be given to it to submit to the Creator and make peace with God. Some believe both beasts are chaos monsters destroyed by the deity at the time of creation, although such a conflict is not found in the creation account.[3]
Leviathan is identified figuratively with both the primeval sea (Job 3:8; Ps. 74:13) and in apocalyptic literature - describing the end-time - as that adversary, the Devil, from before creation who will finally be defeated. In the divine speeches in Job, Behemoth and Leviathan may both be seen as composite and mythical creatures with enormous strength, which humans like Job could not hope to control. But both are reduced to the status of divine pets, with rings through their noses and Leviathan on a leash.[4] Among Young Earth Creationists, who believe man and dinosaurs (along with all other land animals) were made on day 6 of Creation Week, Behemoth is commonly identified as possibly being a sauropod dinosaur.[5]
No one can contest with God for power because it is not piety and prudent for any created being to do so with the Creator. No man could speak so convincingly, so powerfully, nor with a commanding conquering force as God can because when God speaks it is done. His creating voice is called His “thunder” Psa 104:7; so is His voice which terrifies and discomfort His enemies; (1 Sam 2:10). “The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty” (Psa 29: 4). “Look on every one that is proud and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place” Job 40:12.
Job was a very good man, yet
he had to learn so many things from God and unlearn so many things about God.
These are the actual words of God in response to Job when he realized he had
nothing to say and was convinced that he had been wrong. One may even surprise
their enemies and charm their friends by their wisdom and power and strength,
but what is it all to the Divine majesty? All the glory and strength of man is
like the light of a ‘glow-worm’ to that of the sun when he goes forth in his
strength. Adore God as not only infinitely awful and to be feared above all,
but as infinitely amiable and to be loved and delighted in above all. Indeed
God is more powerful than ‘behemoth’.
Website References:
1..Behemoth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo Behemoth ( play /bɨˈhiːməθ/ or /ˈbiː.əməθ/, also /ˈbeɪ.əmɔːθ/;
Hebrew בהמות, behemoth (modern: behemot)) is a mythological beast mentioned in
the ... Ziz - Behemoth
(disambiguation) - Behemoth (book)
2.Behemoth (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo Behemoth is a Polish blackened death metal band from Gdańsk,
formed in 1991. They are considered to have played an important role in
establishing the Polish ...
3.Behemoth The New Word for BIG in Canada Canada's ... - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo News, The Ride, Behemoth · The Latest · Online Fun ·
Behemoth. • Home • News • The Ride • The Latest • Online Fun • Contact Us •.
Canada's Wonderland ... The Ride - News - Online Fun - The Latest
Book References:
1.Payer To Move Your Mountains, “Powerful Prayers for
The Spirit-Filled Life.” (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000)
2. Practical Psychology for Pastors, William R. Miller, Kathleen
A. Jackson (The University of Mexico), second Edition, Prentice – Hall Inc,
1995,1985, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
3. Jay E. Adams, ‘The Christian
Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
4. John G. Kruis, ‘Quick Scripture
Reference for Counseling; (Grand rapids: Baker Books, Third edition, p. 169-170)
5. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of
Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985,
6. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical
Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith:
Marshall Pickering, 1985), p. 100-104).
7.The Matthew Henry Study Bible, ‘King James version’ The
best of Matthew Henry’s Notes in a Handy One Volume Reference Bible, World
Bible Publishers, Inc; 1994, Iowa Falls, U.S.A.
8. Beth Moore, David Seeking A Heart
Like His, Life Way Christian resources, Nashville, Tennessee, 2010, pgs:
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Critical Stages of Biblical
Counseling’ Finishing Well, Breaking Through, Getting Started, (New Jersey:
Zondervan, 2002)
10. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People
Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986)
11. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A.
Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling’, “A
Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”(Nashville: Thomas
Nelson Publishers,1994)
12. Jay E. Adams, ‘Lectures on Counseling’
(Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978, p.192-203)
13. The Holy Bible, New King James version,
Women of Destiny Bible, “Women Mentoring women Through the Scriptures” A
Spirit Filled Life Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee,
Copyright 1982.
14. Stephen D. Eyre, Deuteronomy becoming
Holy People, , p:32-26; IVP connect, An imprint of Intervarsity Press, Downers
Grove, Illinois, 1998, 2004.
15. Metzeger, Bruce M. (ed); Michael D. Coogan
(ed) (1993). The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford, UK: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0-19-504645-5.
16. Mitchell, Stephen, The Book of Job. San
Francisco: North Point Press. Cited in R. T. Pennock, 1999, Tower of Babel,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
[1] Bruce
M. Metzger, Michael D. Coogan, "The Oxford guide to people
& places of the Bible" (Oxford University
Press, 2004), p.33.
[2] K.
van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter Willem van der Hors, "Dictionary
of deities and demons in the Bible", p.166.
[3] Iwanski, Darius (2006), The dynamics
of Job's intercession. Biblical Institute Press, p. 41.
ISBN 9788876531613.
As the deer panteth for the water….

Above are pictures of deer in constant search of water and eventually finding the water brooks to it's heart content!
“As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” Psa 42:1. Nothing is more grievous to the gracious soul than that which is intended to shake its hope and confidence in God. “My tears have been my meat.” Psa 42: 3; this is holy love, mourning for God’s present withdrawing when David was forced to be away from God’s house. His enemies would have teased him, because God was absent from the ark, which is the token of God’s presence. So the enemies could have concluded that David has lost his God. This is a very hard position to be and the miserable feeling is compared with a deer panting for water brooks! This can be related almost to a child’s restlessness who was in the process of weaning by the mother.
David constantly communicated with God and when his soul is dejected he goes and tells God about it and he found peace and comfort by doing so. He was now driven to the borders of the land of Canaan, to shelter himself from the rage of his persecutors. “O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar.” Psa 42:6.
“Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of the waterspouts; all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.” Psa 42: 7. This can be compared with Jonah’s prayer from the fish’s belly: “For thou hast cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me.” Jonah 2:3. The mariners cast Jonah into the deep sea, but he saw the hand of the Lord casting him there. The channels and the springs of waters of the sea surrounded him on every side and one can try to imagine how his feelings would have been. Original David’s complaint is the same verbatim with Jonah’s cry.
Jonah’s case is a very unique, singular case and David’s case was different but very similar in his complaint. He complains of God’s waves and billows going over him. Sometimes the condition of God’s people may be such that they may think excluded from God’s presence. Let us extrapolate this to our life situation and see how we respond to God in adversity. This response from these men is only unbelief at that point of time, and God will never cast away His people whom He has chosen. This reproach was meant to discourage their hope in the living God. God was listening carefully of the complaints of the men of God made in their depression and eventually came to rescue them. God commands down the waves and the billows and they obeyed Him.
When the deer searched for the water brooks finally it found the water and just like that we should know where to find God. Even when we do not know where to find His ark, there is a way open heaven-ward if we genuinely search for God. God did not appear immediately to deliver David out of the hands of his enemies; the enemies concluded that God has abandoned him. The enemies were totally deceived on thinking that David has lost his God! David expected his deliverance to come from God’s favor. He also knows that all his joy and peace had to come from only God.
God indeed taught David and Jonah in their special circumstances to endure and stay firm in believing that God is in control of their special situations and the Sovereign God is very much involved in their lives. May our Comfort is that God is our rock, a rock to build our lives upon, and take shelter in times of adversity. May our souls continue to search for the living God, and may we find the fountain of living water just like the deer panteth for the water brooks and finds it.
Website References:
1. As The Deer - Similar
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As The Deer. 1-. As the deer pants for the water. So my soul longs after you. You alone are my heart's desire. And I long to worship you. R-. You alone are my ...
2. [PDF] As the Deer Pants; +1'd this publicly. Undo
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewIt was 2003 and the song 'As the Deer Pants' was on my heart and lips. ... ...but whoever drinks the water (living water) I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the ...
3.Psalm 42: Lyrics, Midi, Sheet Music, MP3
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AS THE DEER PANTS FOR THE WATER (PSALM 42). 1. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after Thee. How I thirst for living water. How much...
4. As The Deer Pants For The Water song lyrics by Misc Religious - United StatesCached - Similar
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As The Deer Pants For The Water song lyrics by Misc Religious.
Book References:
1. Payer to Move Your Mountains, “Powerful Prayers for the Spirit-Filled Life.” (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000)
2. Practical Psychology for Pastors, William R. Miller, Kathleen A. Jackson (The University of Mexico), second Edition, Prentice – Hall Inc, 1995, 1985, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
3. Jay E.Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973)
4. John G. Kruis, ‘Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling; (Grand rapids: Baker Books, Third edition, p. 169-170)
5. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999)
6. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith: Marshall Pickering, 1985), p. 100-104).
7.The Matthew Henry Study Bible, ‘King James version’ The best of Matthew Henry’s Notes in a Handy One Volume Reference Bible, World Bible Publishers, Inc; 1994, Iowa Falls, U.S.A.
8. David Seeking a Heart Like His, ‘Beth Moore’ Life Way Christian resources, Nashville, Tennessee, 2010, pgs: 206-210.
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling’ Finishing Well, Breaking Through, Getting Started, (New Jersey: Zondervan, 2002)
10. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986)
11. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling’, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1994)
12. Jay E. Adams, ‘Lectures on Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978, p.192-203)
13. The Holy Bible, New King James version, Women of Destiny Bible, “Women Mentoring women Through the Scriptures” A Spirit Filled Life Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, Copyright 1982.
14. Deuteronomy becoming Holy People, Stephen D. Eyre, p: 32-26; IVP connect, An imprint of Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1998, 2004.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Temptations of a Prosperous condition!
“All the commandments which I commanded thee this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers.” Deut 8:1. Moses rehearses some of the struggles Israel had experienced in the preceding 40 years and encourages them to live with humility and gratitude of heart towards God when they begin to enjoy the fruit of the land and God’s blessings in the land.
When men possess large estates, or are engaged in profitable business, they find the temptation to pride, forgetfulness of God, and carnal-mindedness, very strong; and they are anxious and troubled about many things. In this the believing poor have the advantage; they more easily perceive their supplies coming from the Lord in answer to the prayer of faith; and, strange as it may seem, they find less difficulty in simply trusting him for daily bread. Deut 8:10-20; Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
Apathy/sloth is one of the dangerous deadliest sins, and it is an attitude of spiritual emptiness that comes by taking God and His blessings for granted and forgetting the Benefactor. Would one suppose that Israelites after their slavery at the brick-kilns should need the thorns of the wilderness to humble them? But such is the nature of man and this applies very much to all of us. Although the time in the desert is not a very pleasant experience, several of the prophets in the future years point back as the highest of Israel’s spiritual life. We can confidently say referring to Scriptures that in the desert more than anywhere else that Israel cried out to God, and they had a very close relationship with the Lord. What is our response and relationship with God when we face desert experiences?
None of us live a single week without giving proofs of our weakness, folly, and depravity. To broken-hearted souls alone the Savior is precious indeed. Nothing can render the most suitable outward and inward trials effectual, but the power of the Spirit of God. See here how God's giving and our getting are reconciled, and apply it to spiritual wealth. Moses repeats the warning often given of the fatal consequences of forsaking God.
Would we describe ourselves as grateful, generally grateful, occasionally grateful, or frustrated or disappointed? Gratitude can be spontaneous flowing from personal contentment, or it can be intentional; that is we do not feel like thanking, but we thank God anyway. Can we describe the state of our heart?
“Then thine heart is lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.” Deut: 8:14. God arms us against the temptations of a prosperous condition:
1. Be careful of being very prideful; because when the estate rises the mind of man is apt to rise with it in self-conceit, self-complacency, and self-confidence.
2. When people grow rich they are tempted to think religion is a needless thing, think it is a thing below them, it is too hard for them, and they are happy to go on life without it. Their money given dignity, forbids them to stoop, and the liberty forbids them to serve.
Moses finds it necessary to caution Israelites against the abuse of plenty when every thing was plenty in Canaan. How does that apply to us today and to our spiritual life and to our heart?
Website References:
1. Deuteronomy 8:10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise ... - Similar
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Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. But if the ... Moses arms them against the temptations of a prosperous condition. When men ...
2. Deuteronomy 8:12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when ... - Similar
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Moses arms them against the temptations of a prosperous condition. When men possess large estates, or are engaged in profitable business, they find the ...
3. Deuteronomy 8 - Matthew Henry's Commentary - Bible Commentary › ... › Matthew Henry's Commentary › DeuteronomyCached - Similar
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Moses arms them against the temptations of a prosperous condition. When men possess large estates, or are engaged in profitable business, they find the ...
4.Deuteronomy 8:1-20 - Similar
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Moses arms them against the temptations of a prosperous condition. ... God's Mouth: Theological Wordplay in Deuteronomy 8," Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 1985. ...
5.Book of Job - Similar
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The principal figure of the book is Job, a pious Jew afflicted with disease and stripped of ... While living in the midst of great prosperity, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a ..... In succession Job bears six great temptations with heroic patience, and ..... and by Amelineau in "Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archeology", ...
6. Apple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
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This may also have influenced the apple becoming interpreted as the biblical " forbidden fruit". .... To control a specific pest, organic growers might encourage the prosperity of its natural ... Among the most serious disease problems are fireblight, a bacterial disease; and ..... Apples: The Story of the Fruit of Temptation. ...
7.Deuteronomy 8:19 And it shall be, if thou shalt forget the LORD
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He arms them against the temptations of a prosperous condition, and charges them .... This word, Thy God,' is the sweetest word in the Bible, it implies the best ...
8.Spiritual Warfare - Including tearing down strongholds!
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Prosperity Gospel Is it Biblical to be blessed? ... Biblical faith & healing · God's authority in the family · Steps to inner healing · Dissociative Identity Disorder .... Temptation is when we are enticed or encouraged to sin in one way or another. ...
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16 Aug 2011 – Search keywords in the Bible: [Advanced] .... Moses arms them against the temptations of a prosperous condition. When men possess large ...
Book References:
1.Payer To Move Your Mountains, “Powerful Prayers for The Spirit-Filled Life.” (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000)
2. Practical Psychology for Pastors, William R. Miller, Kathleen A. Jackson (The University of Mexico), second Edition, Prentice – Hall Inc, 1995,1985, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
3. Jay E.Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973)
4. John G. Kruis, ‘Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling; (Grand rapids: Baker Books, Third edition, p. 169-170)
5. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999)
6. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith: Marshall Pickering, 1985), p. 100-104).
7.The Matthew Henry Study Bible, ‘King James version’ The best of Matthew Henry’s Notes in a Handy One Volume Reference Bible, World Bible Publishers, Inc; 1994, Iowa Falls, U.S.A.
8. David Seeking A Heart Like His, ‘Beth Moore’ Life Way Christian resources, Nashville, Tennessee, 2010, pgs: 206-210.
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling’ Finishing Well, Breaking Through, Getting Started, (New Jersey: Zondervan, 2002)
10. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986)
11. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling’, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1994)
12. Jay E. Adams, ‘Lectures on Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978, p.192-203)
13. The Holy Bible, New King James version, Women of Destiny Bible, “Women Mentoring women Through the Scriptures” A Spirit Filled Life Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, Copyright 1982.
14. Deuteronomy becoming Holy People, Stephen D. Eyre, p:32-26; IVP connect, An imprint of Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1998, 2004.