Above are pictures of deer in constant search of water and eventually finding the water brooks to it's heart content!
“As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” Psa 42:1. Nothing is more grievous to the gracious soul than that which is intended to shake its hope and confidence in God. “My tears have been my meat.” Psa 42: 3; this is holy love, mourning for God’s present withdrawing when David was forced to be away from God’s house. His enemies would have teased him, because God was absent from the ark, which is the token of God’s presence. So the enemies could have concluded that David has lost his God. This is a very hard position to be and the miserable feeling is compared with a deer panting for water brooks! This can be related almost to a child’s restlessness who was in the process of weaning by the mother.
David constantly communicated with God and when his soul is dejected he goes and tells God about it and he found peace and comfort by doing so. He was now driven to the borders of the land of Canaan, to shelter himself from the rage of his persecutors. “O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar.” Psa 42:6.
“Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of the waterspouts; all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.” Psa 42: 7. This can be compared with Jonah’s prayer from the fish’s belly: “For thou hast cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me.” Jonah 2:3. The mariners cast Jonah into the deep sea, but he saw the hand of the Lord casting him there. The channels and the springs of waters of the sea surrounded him on every side and one can try to imagine how his feelings would have been. Original David’s complaint is the same verbatim with Jonah’s cry.
Jonah’s case is a very unique, singular case and David’s case was different but very similar in his complaint. He complains of God’s waves and billows going over him. Sometimes the condition of God’s people may be such that they may think excluded from God’s presence. Let us extrapolate this to our life situation and see how we respond to God in adversity. This response from these men is only unbelief at that point of time, and God will never cast away His people whom He has chosen. This reproach was meant to discourage their hope in the living God. God was listening carefully of the complaints of the men of God made in their depression and eventually came to rescue them. God commands down the waves and the billows and they obeyed Him.
When the deer searched for the water brooks finally it found the water and just like that we should know where to find God. Even when we do not know where to find His ark, there is a way open heaven-ward if we genuinely search for God. God did not appear immediately to deliver David out of the hands of his enemies; the enemies concluded that God has abandoned him. The enemies were totally deceived on thinking that David has lost his God! David expected his deliverance to come from God’s favor. He also knows that all his joy and peace had to come from only God.
God indeed taught David and Jonah in their special circumstances to endure and stay firm in believing that God is in control of their special situations and the Sovereign God is very much involved in their lives. May our Comfort is that God is our rock, a rock to build our lives upon, and take shelter in times of adversity. May our souls continue to search for the living God, and may we find the fountain of living water just like the deer panteth for the water brooks and finds it.
Website References:
1. As The Deer
www.saintmina-holmdel.org/Songs/songtext.php?title=As...DeerCached - Similar
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As The Deer. 1-. As the deer pants for the water. So my soul longs after you. You alone are my heart's desire. And I long to worship you. R-. You alone are my ...
2. [PDF] As the Deer Pants; www.justworship.com/praisepoints/asthedeerpants.pdfSimilarYou +1'd this publicly. Undo
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewIt was 2003 and the song 'As the Deer Pants' was on my heart and lips. ... ...but whoever drinks the water (living water) I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the ...
3.Psalm 42: Lyrics, Midi, Sheet Music, MP3
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AS THE DEER PANTS FOR THE WATER (PSALM 42). 1. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after Thee. How I thirst for living water. How much...
4. As The Deer Pants For The Water song lyrics by Misc Religious
www.lyrics-p.com/.../misc-religious-as-the-deer-pants-fo... - United StatesCached - Similar
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As The Deer Pants For The Water song lyrics by Misc Religious.
Book References:
1. Payer to Move Your Mountains, “Powerful Prayers for the Spirit-Filled Life.” (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000)
2. Practical Psychology for Pastors, William R. Miller, Kathleen A. Jackson (The University of Mexico), second Edition, Prentice – Hall Inc, 1995, 1985, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
3. Jay E.Adams, ‘The Christian Counselor’s Manual, ‘The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973)
4. John G. Kruis, ‘Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling; (Grand rapids: Baker Books, Third edition, p. 169-170)
5. David G. Benner & Peter C. Hill, ‘Baker Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Counseling’ Second Edition, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1985, 1999)
6. Dr. Larry Crabb, “Effective Biblical Counseling” How Caring Christians can Become Capable Counselors, (Hammersmith: Marshall Pickering, 1985), p. 100-104).
7.The Matthew Henry Study Bible, ‘King James version’ The best of Matthew Henry’s Notes in a Handy One Volume Reference Bible, World Bible Publishers, Inc; 1994, Iowa Falls, U.S.A.
8. David Seeking a Heart Like His, ‘Beth Moore’ Life Way Christian resources, Nashville, Tennessee, 2010, pgs: 206-210.
9. Jay E. Adams, ‘Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling’ Finishing Well, Breaking Through, Getting Started, (New Jersey: Zondervan, 2002)
10. Jay E. Adams, ‘How to Help People Change’ The Four-step Biblical Process, (Grand rapids: Zondervan, 1986)
11. John F. MacArthur, JR. Wayne A. Mack & The Master’s College Faculty, ‘Introduction To Biblical Counseling’, “A Basic Guide To The Principles And Practice Of Counseling”(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1994)
12. Jay E. Adams, ‘Lectures on Counseling’ (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978, p.192-203)
13. The Holy Bible, New King James version, Women of Destiny Bible, “Women Mentoring women Through the Scriptures” A Spirit Filled Life Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, Copyright 1982.
14. Deuteronomy becoming Holy People, Stephen D. Eyre, p: 32-26; IVP connect, An imprint of Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1998, 2004.
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