Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Walking Closer with God
With Prayers, Supplications, and Songs

Walking Closer with God is about relationship and here we are talking about relationship with the Living One and Only True God; God of infinite wisdom, majesty, splendour, power and honour Who alone is able to orchestrate events in our lives and is Sovereign. I have taken some golden nuggets from the Bible, so that we can use it and get a deeper understanding of what is written about prayer and supplications.  This book focuses on the most important thing in life and that is communing with God who has formed us, shaped us, and wired us individually; and the One who has seen us in our mother’s womb even before our bones were formed!

If something burdens our mind, it is wiser to go to God in prayer because we want someone to scale the unscalable in our lives. All thoughts which are formed in our minds can be brought in captive to God’s authority by petitioning to the Lord. This means anything which distresses our peace and God’s grace is abundant even when we think it is not there. A right disposition of our mind is so important in all of our circumstances because in this world we will encounter varied situations and it is important we have the right and true perspective and not the perceived perspective. When we have the right perspective our hearts are at ease and we are well balanced people. It is important that we know that He cares and when we express our heart’s desires we are at peace with Him because as His children we need to know that He cares and understands and sympathizes with us in all situations.

When we express our desires to God we are not talking about experiential/emotional/ mystical/ fanatical approach but rather our hearts are drawn closer to the truth so that we as children of God are spared from the deception of end days which is today. We pray that we have deep discernment and understanding when we are grounded in God’s Word. Praying God’s Word is one of the most pragmatic way of staying in God’s truth against from the perceived truth which is the lie of the enemy. I believe Prayer, supplications, Songs and staying in God’s Word is the Sovereign antidote against perplexing fear and anxiety.

The book is available in Amazon and other book outlets. 

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